Material Chemistry



Polymers form very important components in our daily life. The polymers are highly useful in domestic industrial & medical fields. The following are the reasons for the extensive use of polymers.

1) Most of the polymers are non-toxic & safe to use

2) They have low densities (light in weight) so transportation polymers will be easy.

3) They posses good mechanical strength.

4) These are resistant to corrosion and will not absorb moisture when exposed to the atmosphere.

5) These can function as good thermal & electrical insulators.

6) These can be moulded and fabricate easily.

7) They possess esthetic colours

But the limitations for the use of polymers are

1. Some polymers are combustible.

2. The properties of polymers are time dependent

3. Some of them cannot with stand high temperature.

It is also interesting to note that many carbohydrates, Proteins & enzymes, DNA & RNA are natural polymers. Polymers can be defined as the large molecules (macro molecular) formed by the linkage of small molecules called monomers. (In Greek language poly means many & mer means units)

E.g.:- poly ethylene