Simple Light Sensitivity Metronome Using Transistors

Any device that produces regular, metrical ticks (beats, clicks) we can call it as Metronome (settable beats per a minute). Here ticks means a fixed, regular aural pulse. Synchronized visual motion like pendulum-swing is also included in some Metronomes.

This is Simple light sensitivity Metronome circuit using Transistors. Two kinds of transistors are used in this circuit, namely transistor number 2N3904 and 2N3906 make an origin frequency circuit. Sound from a loudspeaker will increase and is down by the frequency in the sound.LDR is used in this circuit LDR means Light Dependent Resistor also we can call it as a photo resistor or photocell. LDR is a light controlled variable resistor.

If the incident light intensity increases, then the resistance of LDR will decrease. This phenomenon is called photo conductivity. When lead light flasher comes to near LDR within a darkroom it receives the light, then the resistance of LDR will go down. That will enhance or affect the frequency of the origin, frequency sound circuit. Continuously wood keeps stroking the music by the frequency change in the circuit. Just look at the above circuit for other details.