Mesh Analysis


A ’mesh’ (also called a loop) is simply a path through a circuit that starts and ends at the same place. For the purpose of mesh analysis, a mesh is a loop that does not enclose other loops.

Mesh Analysis

Similar to nodal analysis, mesh analysis is a formalized procedure based on KVL equations. A caveat: mesh analysis can only be used on ’planar’ circuits (i.e. there are no crossed, but unconnected, wires in the circuit diagram.) Steps:

1. Draw circuit in planar form (if possible.)

2. Identify meshes and name mesh currents. Mesh currents should be in the clockwise direction. The current in a branch shared by two meshes is the difference of the two mesh currents.

3. Write a KVL equation in terms of mesh currents for each mesh.

4. Solve the resulting system of equations.