Nodal Analysis


A node is a section of a circuit which connects components to each other. All of the current entering a node must leave a node, according to Kirchoff’s Current Law. Every point on the node is at the same voltage, no matter how close it is to each component, because the connections between components are perfect conductors. This voltage is called the node voltage, and is the voltage difference between the node and an arbitrary reference, the ground point. The ground point is a node which is defined as having zero voltage. The ground node should be chosen carefully for convenience. Note that the ground node does not necessarily represent an actual connection to ground, it is just a device to make the analysis simpler. For example, if a node has a voltage of 5 Volts, then the voltage drop between that node and the ground node will be 5 Volts. Note that in real circuits, nodes are made up of wires, which are not perfect conductors, and so the voltage is not perfectly the same everywhere on the node. This distinction is only important in demanding applications, such as low noise audio, high speed digital circuits (like modern computers), etc. If we look at how a particular circuit functions an engineer might be able to select check points that are diametrically apposite of each other, this signafies two points of current crossing over to another point this can be another method in testing a circuit to determine how nodes work.

Nodal Analysis

Nodal analysis is a formalized procedure based on KCL equations.


1. Identify all nodes.

2. Choose a reference node. Identify it with reference (ground) symbol. A good choice is the node with the most branches, or a node which can immediately give you another node voltage (e.g., below a voltage source).

3. Assign voltage variables to the other nodes (these are node voltages.)

4. Write a KCL equation for each node (sum the currents leaving the node and set equal to zero). Rearrange these equations into the form A*V1+B*V2=C (or similar for equations with more voltage variables.)

5. Solve the system of equations from step 4. There are a number of techniques that can be used: simple substitution, Cramer’s rule, the adjoint matrix method, etc.