It is usual practice to run telephone lines along the same route as the power lines. The transmission lines transmit bulk power at relatively high voltages and, therefore, these lines give rise to electro-magnetic and electrostatic fields of sufficient magnitude which induce are superposed on the true speech currents in the neighboring telephone wires and set up distortion while the voltage so induced raise the potential of the communication circuit as a whole. In extreme cases the effect of these may make it impossible to transmit any message faithfully and may raise the potential of the telephone receiver above the ground to such an extent to render the handling of the telephone receiver extremely dangerous and in such cases elaborate precautions are required to be observed to avoid this danger.
In practice it is observed that the power lines and the communication lines run along the same path. Sometimes it can also be seen that both these lines run on same supports along the same route. The transmission lines transmit bulk power with relatively high voltage. Electromagnetic and electrostatic fields are produced by these lines having sufficient magnitude. Because of these fields, voltages and currents are induced in the neighbouring communication lines. Thus it gives rise to interference of power line with communication circuit.
Due to electromagnetic effect, currents are induced which is superimposed on speech current of the neighbouring communication line which results into distortion. The potential of the communication circuit as a whole is raised because of electrostatic effect and the communication apparatus and the equipments may get damaged due to extraneous voltages. In the worst situation, the faithful transmission of message becomes impossible due to effect of these fields. Also the potential of the apparatus is raised above the ground to such an extent that the handling of telephone receiver becomes extremely dangerous.
The electromagnetic and the electrostatic effects mainly depend on what is the distance between power and communication circuits and the length of the route over which they are parallel. Thus it can be noted that if the distortion effect and potential rise effect are within permissible limits then the communication will be proper. The unacceptable disturbance which is produced in the telephone communication because of power lines is called Telephone Interference.
There are various factors influencing the telephone interference. These factors are as follows
1) Because of harmonics in power circuit, their frequency range and magnitudes.
2) Electromagnetic coupling between power and telephone conductor.
The electric coupling is in the form of capacitive coupling between power and telephone conductor whereas the magnetic coupling is through space and is generally expressed in terms of mutual inductance at harmonic frequencies.
3) Due to unbalance in power circuits and in telephone circuits.
4) Type of return telephone circuit i.e. either metallic or ground return.
5) Screening effects.
Steps for Reducing Telephone Interference
There are various ways that can reduce the telephone interference. Some of them are as listed below
i) The harmonics at the source can be reduced with the use of A.C. harmonic filters, D.C. harmonic filters and smoothing rectors.
ii) Use greater spacing between power and telephone lines.
iii) The parallel run between telephone line and power line is avoided.
iv)Instead of using overhead telephone wires, underground telephone cables may be used.
v) If the telephone circuit is ground return then replace it with metallic return.
vi)Use microwave or carrier communication instead of telephone communication.
vii) The balance of AC power line is improved by using transposition. Transposition of lines reduces the induced voltages to a considerable extent. The capacitance of the lines is balanced by transposition leading to balance in electrostatically induced voltages. Using transposition the fluxes due to positive and negative phase sequence currents cancel out so the electromagnetically induced e.m.f.s are diminished. For zero sequence currents the telephone lines are also transposed which is shown in the Fig.