Simplex Wave Winding:

Conductor AB is connected to CD lying under S-pole and then to EF under the next N-pole. In this way, the winding progresses, passing successively under every N-pole and S-pole till it returns to a conductor A′B′ lying under the original pole. Because the winding progresses in one direction round the armature in a series of ‘waves’, it is known as wave winding. If, after passing once round the armature, the winding falls in a slot to the left of its starting point then the winding is said to be retrogressive. If, however, it falls one slot to the right, then it is progressive. Assuming a 2-layer winding and supposing that conductor AB lies in the upper half of the slot, then going once round the armature, the winding ends at A′B′ which must be at the upper half of the slot at the left or right.




Following points regarding simplex wave winding should be carefully noted: