· In a mixed economy, Government plays an important role.
· On certain things, the government has an exclusive right, such as national defence, roads, government administration, etc. (these are known as public goods).
· Government’s allocation function relates to the provision of public goods and services by agencies of the government.
· Through its tax and expenditure policy, government attempts to bring about a distribution of personal income of households in a manner that is considered just and fair. It taxes the rich and designs schemes which benefits the poor.
· According to the Article 112 of the Indian Constitution, the Government at the centre needs to present annual financial statement before the Parliament. It is a statement of estimated receipts and expenditures of the Government of India in respect of each financial year, which runs from 1 April to 31 March.
· The Annual Financial Statement is also the main Budget document and is commonly referred to as the Budget Statement. The different types of budgets included in this are as follows −
· The Revenue Budget illustrates the −
o The Revenue (current) receipts (of the government) and
o The Revenue expenditure (that can be met from these receipts).
· Revenue receipts are receipts of the government which are non-redeemable, i.e., they cannot be reclaimed from the government.
· Revenue receipts are categorized as −
o Tax Revenue.
o Non-tax Revenues.
· Tax revenues consist of the proceeds of the taxes and other duties levied by the central government.
· Tax revenues are further classified into direct taxes (levied directly from the individuals as income tax) and indirect taxes (levied on goods and products within the country).
· Corporation tax contributes the largest share in revenue receipts, followed by income tax.
· Non-tax revenue of the central government largely comprises of −
o Interest receipts on account of loans by the central government.
o Dividends and profits on investments made by the government.
o Fees and other receipts for services rendered by the government.
o Cash grants-in-aid from foreign countries and international organizations.
· On the other hand, Revenue Expenditure largely includes −
o The expenses incurred for the normal functioning of the government departments and various services.
o Interest payments on debt incurred by the government.
o Grants those are given to the state governments and other parties.
· Budget documents classify total expenditure into plan and non-plan expenditure.
· The plan revenue expenditure includes the central Plans (the Five-Year Plans) and central assistance for State and Union Territory plans.
· Non-plan expenditure includes interest payments, defence services, subsidies, salaries, and pensions.
· Subsidies are important policy instruments, destined to promote welfare in the society.
· The Capital Budget is an account of the assets as well as liabilities of the central government; it takes into consideration changes in capital.
· The capital account is further categorized as follows −
· Capital Receipts include all those receipts of the government, which create liability or reduce financial assets.
· Main items of capital account are loans raised by the government from −
o The public, which is known as market borrowings.
o From the Reserve Bank and commercial banks.
o Other financial institutions through the sale of treasury bills.
o Loans received from the foreign governments and the international organizations.
o Recoveries of the loans granted by the central government.
· Some other items of capital account are −
o Small savings – such as Post-Office Savings Accounts, National Savings Certificates, etc.)
o Provident funds and net receipts obtained from the sale of shares in Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs.
· Capital Expenditure includes the expenditures of the government, which result in the creation of physical or financial assets or reduction in financial liabilities.
· Examples of capital expenditure are as follows −
o Acquisition of land, building, machinery, equipment, investment in shares, and
o Loans and advances by the central government to the governments of state and union territory, PSUs and other parties.
· When a government spends more than it receives by the way of revenue, it is known as the budget deficit.
· The difference between revenue expenditure and revenue receipts is known as the revenue deficit.
· The difference between the government’s total expenditure and its total receipts excluding borrowing is known as the fiscal deficit.
· The growth of revenue deficit as a percentage of fiscal deficit points to a deterioration in the quality of government expenditure involving lower capital formation.
· Government deficit can be reduced by an increase in taxes or/and reduction in expenditure.
· Public debt is burdensome if it reduces the future growth in terms of output.