Difference between SOP and POS in Digital Logic






A way of representing boolean expressions as sum of product terms.

A way of representing boolean expressions as product of sum terms.


SOP uses minterms. Minterm is product of boolean variables either in normal form or complemented form.

POS uses maxterms. Maxterm is sum of boolean variables either in normal form or complemented form.


It is sum of minterms. Minterms are represented as ‘m’

It is product of maxterms. Maxterms are represented as ‘M’


SOP is formed by considering all the minterms, whose output is HIGH(1)

POS is formed by considering all the maxterms, whose output is LOW(0)


While writing minterms for SOP, input with value 1 is considered as the variable itself and input with value 0 is considered as complement of the input.

While writing maxterms for POS, input with value 1 is considered as the complement and input with value 0 is considered as the variable itself.