The Back of a Computer (Ports)
When you look at the back of a computer, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by all the slots and holes. Fortunately, manufacturers have added some fairly standard icons and color coding to help you identify what should be plugged into your computer and where. Before long, you’ll recognize those icons and colors, and the configuration won’t seem so mysterious. It’s rather like hooking up cable and a DVD player to the back of your television—unless you’re one of those people who just wait for the cable guy to take care of that heinous task. In any case, this lesson will review each item piece by piece so you won’t get completely lost.
Before we begin, let’s define a couple of terms. The first thing you’ll notice is that the back of your computer has lots of holes. Those holes are called (depending on who you ask) jacks, ports, or connectors. You may notice that some of the connectors have holes, but some have what look like stickpins (which are aptly named pins). The ones that have holes are called female connectors; the ones that have pins are called male connectors. Let’s leave it at that.
Now let’s begin. Compare Figure 1-7 to Table 1-5: What’s on the Back of a Computer Case? The back of your computer may be arranged differently but should include the same elements.