On line & Real Time Processing

On Line Processing:

In on line processing the transaction data is directly sent to secondary on-line storage devices by the CPU without sorting, from the point where data is generated. The accessing and retrieval of data is very fast. In these systems-devices are directly connected to the CPU for input orinquiry.

Real Time Processing:

Real time processing is an on line processing system where the records are updated and data is processed as soon as the transaction takes place-Real time systems allow the users to communicate with the computer during the processing itself. Typical examples of real time systems are the air line reservation market systems etc. In real time systems a number of terminals may be linked to a single CPU.A number of remote stations are connected to the computer with communication lines and several stations operate simultaneously. The transactions update records. In off line processing, the data processing isnot directly controlled by the CPU. In minicomputers a number of terminals are used to enter the data onto a secondary storage like a tape or disk. The data is validated, and then entered into the main CPU in batch mode for processing.