Computer Processing Techniques

Batch Processing:

In batch processing, a numbers of jobs are collected by the operator offline and when a batch of jobs gets collected they are input to the computer for processing. The jobs are then processed without user intervention.

Typical applicationsof batch processing include applications like payroll, preparation of bills etc. where the information is not to be updated freq 5.2.2

Spooling: Spooling is used to improve the processing speed of batch processing. Spooling means Simultaneous Peripheral Output on Line. The process of storing input data and output results on secondary storage is known as spooling. The input data is stored on magnetic disks and is fed to the CPU when it is not too busy. The processor then processes the data and the resulting output is again stored on secondary storage device. Thus in spooling, the magnetic storage media acts as a buffer between the memory and the input/ output devices.

In many computers special purpose input/output processors which can function independent of the CPU are provided, thus leaving the main processor free once the program execution is over. The I/O processors then print the spooled data from the tape or disk on the printer. Thus spooling improves the efficiency of use of memory and CPU.