What is Time Management


Time management is the process organizing your time, and deciding how to allocate your time between different activities. Good time management is the difference between working smart (getting more done in less time) and working hard (working for more time to get more done).
Effective time management leads to an efficient work output, even when you are faced with tight deadlines and high pressure situations. On the other hand, not managing your time effectively results in inefficient output and increases stress and anxiety

What is Honesty


Honesty is the quality of being fair and truthful. It means speaking and acting in a manner that inspires trust. A person who is described as honest is seen as truthful and sincere, and as someone who isn’t deceitful or devious and doesn’t steal or cheat. There are two dimensions of honesty – one is honesty in communication and the other is honesty in conduct.

Honesty is an extremely important trait because it results in peace of mind and builds relationships that are based on trust. Being dishonest, on the other hand, results in anxiety and leads to relationships full of distrust and conflict

Qualities of Honest People

Honest individuals have certain distinct characteristics. Some common qualities among honest people are:

1. They don’t worry about what others think of them. They believe in being themselves –
2. they don’t bother about whether they are liked or disliked for their personalities.
3. They stand up for their beliefs. They won’t think twice about giving their honest opinion, even if they are aware that their point of view lies with the minority.

4. They are think skinned. This means they are not affected by others judging them harshly for their honest opinions.

5. They forge trusting, meaningful and healthy friendships. Honest people usually surround themselves with honest friends. They have faith that their friends will be truthful and upfront with them at all times.

6. They are trusted by their peers. They are seen as people who can be counted on for truthful and objective feedback and advice.

Importance of Honesty in Entrepreneurs

One of the most important characteristics of entrepreneurs is honesty. When entrepreneurs are honest with their customers, employees and investors, it shows that they respect those that they work with. It is also important that entrepreneurs remain honest with themselves. Let’s look at how being honest would lead to great benefits for entrepreneurs.

· Honesty and customers: When entrepreneurs are honest with their customers it leads to stronger relationships, which in turn results in business growth and a stronger customer network.

· Honesty and employees: When entrepreneurs build honest relationships with their employees, it leads to more transparency in the workplace, which results in higher work performance and better results.

· Honesty and investors: For entrepreneurs, being honest with investors means not only sharing strengths but also candidly disclosing current and potential weaknesses, problem areas and solution strategies. Keep in mind that investors have a lot of experience with startups and are aware that all new companies have problems. Claiming that everything is perfectly fine and running smoothly is a red flag for most investors.

· Honesty with oneself: The consequences of being dishonest with oneself can lead to dire results, especially in the case of entrepreneurs. For entrepreneurs to succeed, it is critical that they remain realistic about their situation at all times, and accurately judge every aspect of their enterprise for what it truly is.