
Hacking is the act of intruding into someone else’s computer or network. A hacker is someone who does hacking. Hacking may result in a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. The DoS attack prevents authorized users from accessing the resources of the computer. It aims at making the computer resource unusable or unavailable to its intended users. It targets the computer and its network connections, to prevent the user from accessing email, web sites, online accounts (banking, etc.), or other services that rely on the affected computer. In a DoS attack, the services of the entire network, an Internet site or service, may be suppressed or disabled. The affected machine is flooded with spurious requests and messages so as to overload the network. As a result, the affected machine cannot process the valid requests. This is a denial of service to the valid users. Generally, the targets of such attacks are the sites hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks and credit card payment gateways.

Packet sniffing, E-mail hacking and Password cracking are used to get the username and password of the system to gain unauthorized access to the system. These methods gather the information when the data is being transmitted over the network.

Packet Sniffing

The data and the address information are sent as packets over the Internet. The packets may contain data like a user name and password, e-mail messages, files etc. Packet sniffing programs are used to intercept the packets while they are being transmitted from source to destination. Once intercepted, the data in the packets is captured and recorded. Generally, packet sniffers are interested in packets carrying the username and password. Packet sniffing attacks normally go undetected. Ethereal and Zx Sniffer are some freeware packet sniffers. Telnet, FTP, SMTP are some services that are commonly sniffed.

Password Cracking

Cracking of password is used by hackers to gain access to systems. The password is generally stored in the system in an encrypted form. Utilities like Password cracker is used to crack the encrypted passwords. Password cracker is an application that tries to obtain a password by repeatedly generating and comparing encrypted passwords or by authenticating multiple times to an authentication source.

E-mail Hacking

The e-mail transmitted over the network contains the e-mail header and the content. If this header and the content are sent without encryption, the hackers may read or alter the messages in transit. Hackers may also change the header to modify the sender’s name or redirect the messages to some other user. Hackers use packet replay to retransmit message packets over a network. Packet replay may cause serious security threats to programs that require authentication sequences. A hacker may replay the packets containing authentication data to gain access to the resources of a computer.

Security Services

The security services provide specific kind of protection to system resources. Security services ensure Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, and Non-Repudiation of data or message stored on the computer, or when transmitted over the network. Additionally, it provides assurance for access control and availability of resources to its authorized users.

·         Confidentiality—The confidentiality aspect specifies availability of information to only authorized users. In other words, it is the protection of data from unauthorized disclosure. It requires ensuring the privacy of data stored on a server or transmitted via a network, from being intercepted or stolen by unauthorized users. Data encryption stores or transmits data, in a form that unauthorized users cannot understand. Data encryption is used for ensuring confidentiality.

·         Integrity—It assures that the received data is exactly as sent by the sender, i.e. the data has not been modified, duplicated, reordered, inserted or deleted before reaching the intended recipient. The data received is the one actually sent and is not modified in transit.

·         Authentication—Authentication is the process of ensuring and confirming the identity of the user before revealing any information to the user. Authentication provides confidence in the identity of the user or the entity connected. It also assures that the source of the received data is as claimed. Authentication is facilitated by the use of username and password, smart cards, biometric methods like retina scanning and fingerprints.

·         Non-Repudiation prevents either sender or receiver from denying a transmitted message. For a message that is transmitted, proofs are available that the message was sent by the alleged sender and the message was received by the intended recipient. For example, if a sender places an order for a certain product to be purchased in a particular quantity, the receiver knows that it came from a specified sender. Non-repudiation deals with signatures.

·         Access Control—It is the prevention of unauthorized use of a resource. This specifies the users who can have access to the resource, and what are the users permitted to do once access is allowed.

·         Availability—It assures that the data and resources requested by authorized users are available to them when requested.

Security Mechanisms

Security mechanisms deal with prevention, detection, and recovery from a security attack. Prevention involves mechanisms to prevent the computer from being damaged. Detection requires mechanisms that allow detection of when, how, and by whom an attacked occurred. Recovery involves mechanism to stop the attack, assess the damage done, and then repair the damage.

Security mechanisms are built using personnel and technology.

·         Personnel are used to frame security policy and procedures, and for training and awareness.

·         Security mechanisms use technologies like cryptography, digital signature, firewall, user identification and authentication, and other measures like intrusion detection, virus protection, and, data and information backup, as countermeasures for security attack.