Solid Waste Collection

 Objective(s): To describe the tasks and logistics of MSW collection, to analyze collection systems, and to become familiar with the principals and theory behind the use of transfer stations



General Information

Collection accounts for 50-70% of a SW budget!

Types of Collection System


Automated Collection

¨         Usually only one driver required works best:

o       without on-street parking, low hanging wires, narrow streets

·        Where commitment to preventative maintenance

·        Where commitment to educating public

·        60-90 gal containers

Collection Options

City-Run Collection

    1. Non-profit
    2. Centralized operation
    3. City maintains complete control over waste

Private Collection

·         City gives contract to firm(s) as a set fee based on bidding process, users are billed directly

Non-Exclusive Franchises

Exclusive Franchises



Problems and Concerns


Customer Service

Management and Financing Issues

Technological Issues

¨         curbside collection costs are $15/ton less for single stream

¨         sorting costs at MRFs are $10/ton more for single-stream

¨         paper quality lower for single stream

Frequency of Collection

Collection frequency has been declining since the 1950s. By the 1970s, once per week (1/wk) collection was common in half of the U.S. This trend continued into the 1980s but at a reduced rate. The south still uses twice a week collection (2/wk) almost exclusively.

 Reasons for declining collection frequency include;

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Collection Frequencies


Potential Advantages 

Potential Disadvantages 

Favoring Conditions 

Once per week or less 

Less expensive, Requires less fuel 

Improperly stored waste can create odor and vector problems 

Cold to moderate climate 

Twice per week 

Reduces litter, Reduces storage requirements 

More expensive, Requires more fuel 

Warm climate 

More than twice per week 

Reduces litter, Reduces storage requirements 

More expensive, Requires more fuel 

Dense population 

Factors Affecting Decisions and Calculations

Fixed Factors

Variable Factors


1. Analysis of collection time

                        Y =  a +  b + c(d) + e + f + g


    Y    =     total collection time
    a     =     garage to route time
    b     =     actual time collecting waste
    c     =     number of trips to disposal site
    d     =     time to drive fully loaded truck to disposal facility, unload and return to collection area
    e     =     time to drive to garage at the end of the trip
    f     =     official breaks, including bathroom visits
    g     =     other lost time such as traffic jams, breakdowns

f  + g   =     off route time, usually a fraction of Y

2. Analysis of number of vehicles required

                            N = SF/XW


    N    =     number of vehicles required
    S     =     total number of customers served per week
    F     =     collection frequency
    X    =      number of customers truck can serve per day
   W    =      number of work days per week