Methods of crystallization

Crystallization is the oldest “unit operation” in a chemical engineering sense. For example, Sodium Chloride has been manufactured this way since the dawn of civilization.

Various traditional methods for crystallization exist, with each technique having unique benefits and drawbacks. The method chosen must be selected based on the properties of the material being crystallized.


Crystallization processes are often difficult to control, but sonocrystallization is a more modern method of crystallization that offers significant advantages over traditional methods. Ultrasound radiation is known to induce acoustic cavitation in liquids through the formation, growth, and collapse of bubbles. The collapse of the bubble provides energy to encourage the nucleation process at the earliest possible point in time. This results in highly repeatable and predictable crystallizations, and offer various benefits, including;

Discover the Sonocrystallization application page for more information

Onset of nucleation and dissolution graph in the sonocrystallization process