3 Important Skills You'll Acquire with Proposal Writing Training


Writing a proposal is one of the most important processes in business, and knowing the key elements of a great proposal versus a good or average proposal can make a world of difference to your career and to your business revenue. Here are some key elements for a successful proposal that you will discuss and practice throughout your proposal writing training:

1. Audience 
Throughout your career, you will have to write proposals for a variety of people. Every proposal will need to be focused differently, depending on the audience. With proper training, you will learn how to identify your audience and your audience's needs so you can properly address them in your proposal. 

Is a potential client most focused on budget, or the quality of your solution, or ongoing support, or your industry experience? This matters 
proposal-course-outline-resized-152deeply. You must shape content so it matches each reader's focus. Keeping your audience in mind throughout the writing process can be challenging, and this proposal course will offer skills and guidance along the way to make sure you are always addressing your reader appropriately.

2. Organization 
You already know what elements your proposal needs, but how should you structure it? Our training will teach you the proper way to organize and structure your proposal logically so each point builds on each other and the overall argument is clear and compelling to the reader.

A very common error is starting a proposal with an introduction to your company and why you are suited to solve this audience's needs. That never works. Do not open a proposal with information about your company or service. Instead, focus on the client's need and problem. This confirms to your potential client that you understand their business and their need.

3. Tone
Mastering the tone of your proposal is key to making sure your document is easily understood by your audience. 

If you are presenting a proposal to a financial firm, for example, your tone needs to be careful and exact. If you were to use tone that is too casual to this financial firm, you won't win the business. Conversely, if your proposal is to an avant-garde marketing firm, you would not want tone to be too formal. This training will teach you how to modify your tone depending on your audience so you will always come across as competent and compelling without confusing or off-putting your reader. And, you'll learn how to avoid industry jargon and language bloat.

We understand that writing is a constant process of learning and practicing. That's why we offer plenty of opportunities to practice writing proposals throughout the course. You submit incremental exercises, that build to a final proposal. And, you will receive help and feedback from your instructor throughout the writing process. A writing coach reviews your final proposal with you, live via WebEx. By the end of the course you will have the tools and skills you need to maximize your success when it comes to writing proposals.