Writing Tools

Like any other professional, a writer needs a toolkit that helps to improve skills and complete the writing process in a more effective and efficient way. Check out the list below if you’re looking for some great writing tools online.

1.  Readability Score

To grab the attention of the reader, you have only a few seconds. If the readers find your text too complex, they will ignore it. To help you attract the readers in an effective way, you have to make your piece as readable as possible. This is where this tool comes in.

It gives you a readability score which tells you how easy it is to read and understand your text. The list of factors comprising the score includes keyword density, reading time, various text statistics, sentiment analysis, and others.

2. 750 Words 

If practice is what you need to improve your writing, you’ll love this tool. It’s not about writing on a particular subject or using a style. The main idea behind 750 words is to help you develop a habit of writing on a regular basis or overcome writer’s block, which is described as a decreased ability to produce new work or a creative slowdown.

Also, 750 ensure that you write at least 750 words each time you log in (about three pages of writing). To motivate you to reach this goal, the tool will provide you with some cool stats such as the time you spent on writing the text, the themes, and the feelings expressed by certain words and phrases.

3. Thesis Generator from Ashford

Remember what we talked about thesis statement above? Great, this tool will help you to come up with it! It was developed by one of the leading universities in the U.S. and requires certain information from you to produce the thesis, including your version of the topic, main ideas, reasons that support your opinion, and a possible title.

4.  ZenPen 

This one is an ultimate distraction-free writing environment. It has several features, including full screen typing and setting a target word count, and the text can be easily copied to a processor of your choice.

5. Hemingway App

One of the best online apps for the editing stage of the writing process. Hemingway helps to make your text more easily readable by highlighting complex sentences, passive voice, and giving you other tips. Each text copied or typed in the app’s window is given a readability grade and tips for improving it.

6. Hipster Sound

Some writers prefer to work with some ambient noise, so they go to a café or a coffee shop for a few hours until they complete their work. Now, one doesn’t have to go anywhere because there’s an ambient noise app created specifically for writers. Buzz of a busy Texas café, noise inside a Parisian care, or gentile hum of a quiet restaurant – you have multiple great options to choose from.

7. Citavi

This is a resource management program designed for academic writers who use a lot of sources for their research papers and want to organize them. It allows to avoid plagiarism by saving citation information and can be a great assistant for creating bibliographies and categorizing quotations and thoughts.

8. TypeSet

Get access to the world’s largest collection of verified journal formats and find scholar evidence for your academic papers. TypeSet is also a great tool for formatting papers in various styles including APA and MLA without having to go over the work that can be automated. If you need to submit a paper to a scientific journal, the tool checks the format to ensure that you complete all mandatory sections.



For many people, writing seems a complex process that requires extraordinary effort. While the effort is certainly needed here, one can simplify and structure the process by adopting the stages of the writing process. Each of writing process steps is equally important for creating quality, polished piece that you can be proud of.