Structure of the content

Content writers have to be so weary these days of typical mistakes that cost a lot. There are ways you can identify these mistakes and avoid the pitfalls. You might be writing for various clients trying to build their businesses, or perhaps you are a blogger with big dreams. It is important to always put your best work out in the world. We all make mistakes, but there are some mistakes that are easily avoidable. Here are some of those pitfalls you should avoid when creating content.

1.     Sales focused

Even though the end result needs to be sales, your main focus should always be your audience. Keep in mind that your readers are human beings and you cannot force anyone to buy your products. You will have better success in you give information that is useful to the reader. This shows that you care about the knowledge, instead of the sale.

2. Hiding behind the screen

Your readers want to get to know you. Share a bit about your personality or experiences with your audience. If you are not good at expressing yourself, find a good paraphrase essay tool to help. Speak about your failures and successes. You do not need to appear to be a perfect person who has never had any failures. Connecting with people is sharing who you truly are.

3. Not proofreading

I still can’t believe that some writers do not proofread their work. The first draft is always going to be a terrible representation of your writing skills. Even the best writers, still proofread and edit their work. An online reworder can only help you so much. The human eye is amazing at picking up mistakes. Rather take a few more hours before publishing, by proofreading your work.

4. No substance

When writing your content, make sure to leave out any information that has no substance. If you are trying to write longer articles, you might want to research more and add text that mean something. Just writing for the sake of writing is not going to get you very far. I would rather have a shorter article which consists only of facts, than a longer one with a lot of blabbering.

5. Huge text blocks

The importance of paragraphs cannot be emphasised enough. The human mind absorbs information better when it is broken up into chunks. Do not bore your readers with large blocks of text. It is easy to lose your reading spot and reference back to a certain section later. Format your article in a sustainable reading manner to make it easier for your audience.

6. Caps lock

You cannot write an entire article in caps lock. It shows poor writing skills and just a disrespect for the language. Even though you know where to use capital letters, if your entire article is written that way, your writing is questionable. An essay reworder might be able to help you out in this instance. It also just feels like someone is shouting at you when everything is in huge capital letters.

7. More than one focus

Your article should have a main purpose and mixing in too many other factors can be confusing. If you have more than one idea while writing an article, use the other for separate article. You are not writing an MLA, so you should stick to the facts and not just having a conversation about 5 different points.

8. No graphics

We are hearing that 2018 is the year for graphics and you do not want to be left behind. As human beings, we love entertainment and looking at good quality graphics. This can be a good photograph, or try out some infographics. It gives the article a good feeling and has a good chance of engaging your audience. There is something called the ‘blink test’ which basically means that the reader will glimpse at your article and decide to read further or not.

9. No call to action

After the reader is done with your article, what would you like the next step to be? You should be able to clearly guide your audience to the next step. This is what is referred to as a call to action. It can be a social media share button at the end of the article, or a subscription link.

10. Passionless

A writer should always be passionate about what the article is about. You might not feel it in the beginning, but at least get there through your research process. The readers will pick up on your level of commitment to the article. When you are passionate about something, you give it your best. The same is true if you feel the opposite. Make sure you write about those things that matter to you.