What Is the Proper Ending to a Business Letter?

Odds are, if you're writing a business letter, you have something important to say, and you want to make sure you communicate it effectively. Business letter format plays an important part in that communication -- it shows the person to whom you are writing that you are professional and credible. Similarly, ending a business letter professionally can help you establish that professionalism and credibility. Because the ending of the letter is the last part that the recipient will read, it is what will be freshest in her memory. Even if you have a very professional greeting and body, an unprofessional ending can make a negative impression.

Final Paragraph

In some types of business letters, such as cover letters, there is a specific format to follow for concluding letters. However, as a general principle, use the final paragraph of your letter to wrap up your business, including how you would like to be contacted or what items you need to receive in the mail. Also include a polite ending in which you thank the recipient for her time, wish her success with the endeavor or state that you would be thrilled to talk more about the issue via telephone.


Your letter's closing is the word or phrase you type after the body of the letter; the closing is always followed with a comma. Depending on the type of business the letter refers to or your relationship with the recipient, you can choose from a variety of professional greetings. "Sincerely" and "Regards" are two almost-always safe choices. "Thank you," with only the first word capitalized, is a good choice if you are requesting something in the letter, like a meeting or paperwork. However, it is also acceptable to end a nonrequest letter with "Thank you"; it is a way of thanking the recipient for her time.


After your closing, skip three blank lines before your signature. Signing your business communications by hand shows the recipient that you have taken the time to make the letter professional. It also shows that you have reviewed the letters, since many business letters are prepared by a secretary. However, you may not be able to sign your letters in all cases. For example, many corporations' human resources departments now require that cover letters be submitted through an electronic system. In this case, do not leave the three blank lines; just type your name.

Final Elements

After your signature comes your typed name, followed by your title on the next line. In some cases, you may want to provide your address, email address or phone number following your title at the closing of your letter. Do this especially in very formal business letters that are addressed to someone you don't know. This way, if the person loses the envelope, she can still reply to your letter. Finally, after the direction information, skip a line and indicate whether there are any enclosures. Always refer to the enclosures in the article body as well. However, at the end of the letter, write "Enclosure:" (note the colon) and briefly describe what the enclosure is -- for example, "Resume."