Key Points to writing a document


Use of language

·        Appropriate

·        Jargon

·        Plain English



·        Simple sentences and or statements

·        Use of dot points

·        Everything to the point

·        This is job specific – use experts in the area, as a trainer I have no idea.


Living Documents

·        Must be written to be changed

·        Open mind required

·        What triggers change?

·        Every time the document is used it is tested.

·        Constant continuous improvement


What triggers change

·        Change in procedure

·        Change in equipment

·        Better way to do the same job

·        Organizational change

·        Wanting to deliver Best practice


 Writing the documents

·        What to write

·        How long to write

·        Start point and finish point

·        Answer the who what when questions


 What to do with the finished draft

·        Test the document using someone else to red pen it – don‟t be “precious” – open mind

·        Discuss the suggested changes and include the agreed changes

·        Final quality check


Implement the document

·        Sign off – Who? How? Where?

·        Document control – how where – electronic or hard copy?

·        Storage and use

·        Archiving of old documents – using S drive?


Review documents

·        Who? When? How?

·        What triggers review?

·        Is there a set time or ongoing?


Cross Campus use of Documents

·        Are your systems the same as other campuses?