Make Your Business Writing Pop


Below are a few tips to help your writing pop, and get your message read:

Consider Your Format
Keep written letters to one page, if possible. Break information into short paragraphs of no more than three to four sentences, with each paragraph containing only one idea. Keep Web copy brief. Successful Internet content producers require their writers to keep articles less than 500 words. Don’t provide details in e-mails. Send one- or two-sentence e-mails that tease people enough to want them to go to your Web page for information. Use e-mails to get people to click on links, not to act.

Consider Your Lead
The first sentence of your letter, report or memo is critical in determining whether or not your readers will finish reading your message. Don’t talk about your company, product or service. Speak to the reader by identifying a problem or need they have so they’ll want to continue reading to find the solution to their problems.

Talk About Benefits
Car makers don’t emphasize fuel injection, drive train warranty or other mechanical features in their advertising. They sell reliability, affordability, status, sex appeal or other benefits. They save the specifics for additional support. Sell the benefits of your product or service first.

Use the Active Voice
“If you use our product, lower costs can be obtained,” is not as strong as, “You will lower your costs using our products.” Use active verbs to make a point.

Omit Needless Words
Check each word of your copy before you submit it to see which words don’t add any value. Change, “ABC Co. is the state of Georgia’s largest distributor,” to “ABC Co. is Georgia’s largest distributor.” Change, “We have no plans to discontinue our policy at the current time,” to “We have no plans to discontinue our policy.”

Read Your Work Aloud
One of the most effective ways to proof your work is to read it out loud. When you write something, it’s easy to skip over errors visually. When you read your work, you WILL stumble over and catch awkward phrases.


Business Writing Services | Business Content Writing



·        Credible Content business writing services will help you

·        Improve your search engine rankings

·        Build a professional image

·        Communicate convincingly

·        Build trust among your customers, clients and business partners
Increase brand loyalty



There can be numerous business writing needs on a daily basis. You can hire an in-house writer or you can hire someone who performs other duties but also is a good writer. There is no problem in that.

But if you don’t want to hire someone full-time the other option for you is working with a content writing agency for your business writing needs.

Whether you want to write official letters, mailers, brochures, promotional collateral or website content, a professional business content writing service can provide you tailored writing solutions.

We can provide you two types of business writing services:

1.     Day-to-day business writing

2.     Business writing services to help you promote your business on the Internet

Business these days doesn’t just mean selling an exceptional product or service. Providing writing services doesn’t just mean writing drab and boring, non-inspiring content.

The Internet has totally changed the way an average business communicates these days. First, most of the communication happens in digital form. Second, the digital ecosystem is chaotic. Whether it is email, web, search engines, instant messaging apps or social networking websites, you have to fight for attention. The language that we used a decade-and-a-half ago, does not work. The method that we used to communicate, no longer works.

In fact, the very act of “selling” transcends the transactional process and there are lots of phases your average customer or client has to go through before he can reach the actual stage of buying your product or service. Our business writing services are structured around your sales funnel.

Through quality business writing, whether you are promoting a service or a product, you need to constantly engage your audience. You need to be in front of them. You need to be of valuable to them. They should relate you with the sort of help you provide them on an ongoing basis. The Credible Content business writing services can help you put the best foot forward, always.