Block Form

5 Hill Street

Madison, Wisconsin 53700


March 15, 2005


Ms. Helen Jones


Jones, Jones & Jones

123 International Lane

Boston, Massachusetts 01234

Dear Ms. Jones:


Ah, business letter format-there are block formats, and indented formats, and modified block formats . . . and who knows what others. To simplify matters, we're demonstrating the block format on this page, one of the two most common formats. For authoritative advice about all the variations, we highly recommend The Gregg Reference Manual, 9th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001), a great reference tool for workplace communications. There seems to be no consensus about such fine points as whether to skip a line after your return address and before the date: some guidelines suggest that you do; others do not. Let's hope that your business letter succeeds no matter which choice you make!


When you use the block form to write a business letter, all the information is typed flush left, with one-inch margins all around. First provide your own address, then skip a line and provide the date, then skip one more line and provide the inside address of the party to whom the letter is addressed. If you are using letterhead that already provides your address, do not retype that information; just begin with the date. For formal letters, avoid abbreviations where possible.


Skip another line before the salutation, which should be followed by a colon. Then write the body of your letter as illustrated here, with no indentation at the beginnings of paragraphs. Skip lines between paragraphs.


After writing the body of the letter, type the closing, followed by a comma, leave 3 blank lines, then type your name and title (if applicable), all flush left. Sign the letter in the blank space above your typed name. Now doesn't that look professional?






John Doe

Administrative Assistant


Indented Form

                                          5 Hill Street

                                          Madison, Wisconsin 53700


                                          15 March 2005


     Ms. Helen Jones


     Jones, Jones & Jones

     123 International Lane

     Boston, Massachusetts 01234


     Dear Ms. Jones:


          Ah, business letter format--there are block formats, and  indented formats, and modified block formats . . . and who  knows what others.  To simplify matters, we're demonstrating      the indented format on this page, one of the two most common     formats.  For authoritative advice about all the variations,     we highly recommend The Gregg Reference Manual, 9th ed. (New     York: McGraw-Hill, 2001), a great reference tool for workplace     communications.  There seems to be no consensus about such     fine points as whether to skip a line after your return   address and before the date: some guidelines suggest that you    do; others do not.  Let's hope that your business letter  succeeds no matter which choice you make!   If you are using the indented form, place your address at the top, with the left edge of the address aligned with the   center of the page. Skip a line and type the date so that it lines up underneath your address.  Type the inside address an  salutation flush left; the salutation should be followed by a colon. For formal letters, avoid abbreviations.  Indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch. Skip lines between paragraphs.  Instead of placing the closing and signature lines   flush left, type them in the center, even with the address and date above, as illustrated here. Now doesn't that look   professional   




John Doe