Customer Relationship Management

In an organization, sales representatives have the responsibility of creating brand awareness and making products popular among the end users. They are the ones who interact with the customers, understand their requirements and fulfil their needs and expectations.

What is Customer Relationship Management?

The art of managing the organization’s relationship with the customers and prospective clients refer to customer relationship management.

Customer relationship management includes various strategies and techniques to maintain healthy relationship with the organization’s existing as well as potential customers. Orgnaizations must ensure customers are satisfied with their products and services for higher customer retention. Remember one satisfied customer brings ten new customers with him where as one dissatisfied customer takes away ten customers along with him.

In simpler words, customer relationship management refers to the study of needs and expectations of the customers and providing them the right solution.

Need for Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management leads to satisfied customers and eventually higher business everytime.

Customer Relationship Management goes a long way in retaining existing customers.

Customer relationship management ensures customers return back home with a smile.

Customer relationship management improves the relationship between the organization and customers. Such activities strengthen the bond between the sales representatives and customers.

Steps to Customer Relationship Management

The sales manager must provide necessary training to the sales team to teach them how to interact with the customers. Remember customers are the assets of every business and it is important to keep them happy and satisfied for successful functioning of org