Winding Up of the Company by Tribunal

When a resolution for the winding up of a company is passed inside the company, the court may make an order for the voluntary winding up to continue.

      However, the court remains in supervision of the winding up.

      The freedom and liberty of the creditors, contributors or others to apply to the court at such times is limited by the court.

      A petition for the winding up must be filed at the court for the supervision of the court over the winding up.

      The winding up of a company by the order of the court is also regarded as a compulsory wind up.

Section 305 of the ordinances justifies the following circumstances where the court may wind up the company based upon a petition submitted to a court.

      If the company decides by a special resolution that the company should be wound up by the court.

      If the company is found to be a defaulter in delivering statutory reports at the registrar’s office or holding statutory meetings or holding two annual general meetings for two consecutive years.

      If the company does not start its business for one year of incorporation or its business in suspended for one year.

      If the number of members is reduced below 2, 3 and 7 for private, public and listed company respectively.

      If the company is found no more able to pay its debts.

      If the company is −

ü  Carrying out or complying unlawful and fraudulent activities

ü  Carrying out business activities not authorized by its memorandum of association

ü  Carrying out business in an oppressive manner towards its members concerned with the promotion of the company

ü  Running and is managed by the hands of persons who are in a default in maintaining proper accounts or are involved in fraudulent and dishonest activities

ü  Managed by persons who fail to work in sync with the memorandum of association of the company or fail to comply with the registrar and the court of law.

      If the company, being a listed company, does not stand out to act like one.

      If the court’s opinion is to wind up the company or

ü  Complete deadlock in the management of the company

ü  Failure of company’s main objective

ü  Recurring losses

ü  Oppressive or aggressive policies of the majority of shareholders

ü  Incorporation of a company with intent to fraudulent or illegal purpose

ü  Public interest

      If the company ceases to have a member.