Appointment of Directors

The appointment and recruitment of directors is a crucial procedural requirement of a company. In accordance with the Companies Act, 1956, only an individual can be appointed as a director of a company.

      An association, a firm, a corporation or any other body with artificial legal identity cannot be appointed as a director.

      For a public company or a private company, which is a subsidiary of a public company, two-thirds of the total number of directors are appointed by the shareholders. The remaining one-third of the directors are selected in accordance with the manner prescribed in the articles of association of the company, failing which, the remaining one-third is also appointed by the shareholders.

      The articles of a company may provide the conditions for retirement of the directors at every annual general meeting.

      If the articles remain silent, all the directors are appointed by the shareholders.

      Formal, considered and transparent elections can be conducted for election of directors.

      Evaluation of skills and abilities of the board is done from time to time to ensure smooth progress and need for succession in the board.

      Re-elections and re-appointments of the directors are conducted from time to time.

      In case of oppression and mismanagement, third parties or the government may propose for the appointment of nominee directors.

      A statement comprising the name of the first director of the company must be sent to the Registrar of Companies.

      The appointment of the subsequent directors is governed by the articles of association of the company.