Meaning of Association

Purpose of an Article     

The article of association contains the following details −

      The voting powers of officers, directors and shareholders.

      The form of business that the company carries out.

      The form of freedom to change the company’s internal regulations.

      The rights, duties and powers of the company and its members.

Articles of Association of a Company

      The articles of association records clearly the duties and purpose of the company and its members.

      It is filed with the registrar of companies.

Registration of the Articles

      Every private company, whether a company limited by guarantee or an unlimited company, should be registered with the registrar of companies along with the memorandum according to section 26 of the Companies Act, 1956.

      For a company limited by shares, it is not mandatory to have its own articles.

      A company limited by shares may partly or totally adopt the table A of the Schedule of the Companies Act, 1956.

      If a company limited by shares does not have any articles of association, then the table A of the schedule of the Companies Act will be applied by default, until and unless it is modified.

      There are 3 ways for a company limited by shares −

ü  It may totally adopt table A.

ü  It may totally exclude table A and form its own articles of association.

ü  It may adopt just a part of table A and create its own articles of association.

      It is not needed to register the articles of association of a company if it totally adopts table A.

      For a company adopting table A, it should be mentioned in the memorandum of association that the company has adopted table A as its articles of association.

The articles of a private limited company should contain the following −

      The company must have a specific amount of share capital with which the company is to be registered.

      The number of members included to register the company.

For a company limited by guarantee, the articles must state the total number of members, involving whom, the company is to be registered according to Section 27(2) of the Companies Act, 1956.

      As per Section 30 of the Companies Act, 1956, the Articles of Association must be signed by each subscriber of the memorandum of association in the presence of at least 1 witness.

      The witness must attest the articles with his signature, designation and address.