Warning Signs

Always be on the lookout for the following warning signs of probable workplace violence. The signs of troubling behavior include −

      Being upset over a recent work or personal incident

      Suspicious behavior

      Appearing unprepared at work

      Withdrawing from normal work and after-work activities

      Yelling or being verbally abusive to others

      Not following a supervisor’s directions

      Blaming workers for problems at work or at home

      Being suspicious of others

      Having grudges

      Using alcohol or showing up to work drunk

      Having an inappropriate romantic attachment at workplace

      Following a supervisor or colleague

      Threatening to take violent action against a supervisor

      Developing an unusual fascination with weapons

      Being fined or booked for a violent act outside work

      Disclosing plans to hurt or attack people at work

Attitudes that might suggest potentially violent actions include −

      Desiring to stay alone

      Acting morally superior or self-righteous

      Having a sense of personal entitlement

      Getting abused, or feeling wronged, or victimized

      Believing that no other options exist except violence

Knowing about imminent violence and violent behaviors can help minimize the occurrence of workplace violence.