Types of Aggressive Behaviors

We can categorize aggressive behavior into three types −

      Disruptive Behavior It disturbs a normal workplace environment. Disruptive behavior may include screaming, swearing, waving arms, punching gestures, verbally abusing colleagues, and denying response to a legitimate request for information.

      Threatening Behavior It includes moving very close to a person aggressively or making oral or written threats to people or property.

      Violent Behavior It includes physical assaults, which may be unarmed or armed. It also includes any action, a reasonable person would believe is potentially violent.

For example, throwing stuff, pounding on a desk or door, smashing workplace objects, or threatening to hurt or shoot another person fall within violent behavior.

In general, how to deal with employee performance problems or interpersonal conflict?

      Quick intervention is the key. Letting problems faster is a recipe for violence.

      Checking with the firm’s HR department to find the proper role in handling the situation is desirable.

      Determining all the facts of the situation is desirable. This information should be secured from all parties engaged in the conflict.

      Set clear expectations for need of quick resolution of the conflict

      When all parties have agreed for a solution, monitoring its implementation and getting re-involved is necessary.