Features of Business Ethics

There are eight major features of business ethics –

      Code of Conduct Business ethics is actually a form of codes of conduct. It lets us know what to do and what not to do. Businesses must follow this code of conduct.

      Based on Moral and Social Values Business ethics is a subject that is based on moral and social values. It offers some moral and social principles (rules) for conducting a business.

      Protection to Social Groups Business ethics protect various social groups including consumers, employees, small businesspersons, government, shareholders, creditors, etc.

      Offers a Basic Framework Business ethics is the basic framework for doing business properly. It constructs the social, cultural, legal, economic, and other limits in which a business must operate.

      Voluntary Business ethics is meant to be voluntary. It should be self-practiced and must not be enforced by law.

      Requires Education & Guidance Businessmen should get proper education and guidance about business ethics. Trade Associations and Chambers of Commerce should be active enough in this matter.

      Relative Term Business ethics is a relative term. It changes from one business to another and from one country to another.

      New Concept Business ethics is a relatively newer concept. Developed countries have more exposure to business ethics, while poor and developing countries are relatively backward in applying the principles of business ethics.