Clothing Etiquette

Etiquette helps human beings to behave in a socially responsible way. Etiquette helps you gain respect, trust and appreciation from others.

There is a huge difference between an individual’s college and professional life. One needs to follow a proper dress code at the workplace for the desired impact.

It is essential to dress appropriately at the workplace for an everlasting impression. Individuals who dress shabbily are never taken seriously at work.

One must dress as per the occasion. Avoid wearing jeans, capris, shorts, T - Shirts or sleeveless dresses to work. Follow a professional dress code. Make sure you feel comfortable in whatever you wear. It is not always necessary to wear expensive clothes rather wear something which looks good on you.

Choose professional colours like black, blue, brown, grey for official attire. Bright colours look out of place in corporates. Light and subtle colours exude elegance and professionalism and look best in offices.

Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. One should never go shabbily dressed to work. Prefer wrinkle free clothes.

Hair should be neatly combed and kept short. Spikes hairstyle looks good only in parties and informal get together. Females should tie their hair. It gives a neat look.

Male Employees

Female Employees