Nerve-growth factor




Of all the physical factors, light plays the best understood and most dramatic role. Many of the effects of light on plant growth are obvious and direct. Light energy is the driving force for photosynthesis, the series of chemical reactions in green plants in which carbon dioxide and water form carbohydrates and upon which all life ultimately depends. Insufficient light causes death or retardation of growth in green plants. But light also has indirect effects of great importance. Green plants possess small amounts of a pigment called phytochrome that can exist in two forms. One form absorbs red light (660 millimicrons, or mμ; 1 mμ = 3.937 × 10−8 inch). When plants containing this pigment absorb red light, the pigment is converted to another form, which absorbs far-red light (730 mμ); the latter form can be converted back again to the original red absorbing form. These conversions have dramatic consequences; for example, red light inhibits stem elongation and lateral root formation but stimulates leaf expansion, chloroplast development, red flower coloration, and spore germination. Cycles of red and far-red light also can affect flower formation.

The effects of light on animals, although less obvious, may be important, as, for example, the effect of light on growth of the reproductive system of some animals. Increase in day length, hence in the amount of light, seems to initiate growth and development of the sex organs (gonads) in some birds during the spring. Curiously, the eyes are not the receptors for the light signal that activates the endocrine system to initiate growth of gonads; rather, cells deep in the brain are sensitive to the small amounts of light that pass directly through the thin skull of the bird.

Most animals show cyclic activity, or rhythms, in various important physical (e.g., movement) and chemical (e.g., respiration) events that are essential to the individual. These rhythms are often regulated by short exposure to light.

Chemical factors

Chemical factors of importance in the environment include the gases in the atmosphere and the water, mineral, and nutritional content of food. Plants require carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight for photosynthesis; drought slows plant growth and may even kill the plant. The effects of atmospheric contaminants—e.g., oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide—are known to have deleterious effects on the growth and reproduction of both plants and animals.

Plants and animals require minerals and small amounts of elements such as zinc, magnesium, and boron. Nitrogen and phosphorus are provided to plants as nitrates and phosphates in the soil. Inadequate quantities of any nutritional factor in the soil result in poor plant growth and poor crop yields. Animals require oxygen, water, and elements from the environment. Because they are unable to synthesize sugars from carbon dioxide, animals must acquire these nutrients through the diet, either directly, by the consumption of plants, or indirectly, by the consumption of other animals that in turn have utilized plants as food. If the quality or quantity of this food is poor, either growth is retarded or death occurs .

Vitamins, a class of compounds with a variety of chemical structures, are needed by animals in small amounts. Animals cannot synthesize all vitamins they require; those that cannot be synthesized must therefore be acquired in the diet, either from plants or from other animals that can synthesize the vitamin. Because certain vitamins are necessary in certain important metabolic reactions, vitamin deficiency during growth may have a variety of effects—stunting, malformation, disease, or death.

Internal factors

The organism is dependent on the environment for the raw materials for growth, but growth is also regulated internally. Because the size and form of plants and animals are under genetic control, events such as the rate and site of cell division and the extent of cell enlargement can be affected by mutations. It is not yet known, however, precisely how these factors, which are the ultimate determinants of growth, are controlled in individual cells.

One very important class of intrinsic growth regulators is that of the hormones. The principal plant hormone, auxin, is produced in the leaves; it moves by precise mechanisms, as yet poorly understood, to the other parts of the plant, controlling such processes as elongation of plant cells. Auxin somehow changes the characteristics of the rigid cell wall of the plant cell so that it becomes more flexible; the internal pressure within the cell then forces it to become larger. Other plant hormones may also play a role in the process; hormones such as cytokinins and gibberellins influence the rate of cell division in the meristems. Some dwarf plants can be stimulated to grow to normal size simply by applying gibberellin.

Hormones also play a decisive role in animal growth. One hormone from the pituitary gland at the base of the brain is called growth hormone because of its extensive and widespread effects on growth. A deficiency of growth hormone in pre-adolescents results in dwarfism, and oversupply of the hormone (often caused by a tumour) results in gigantism. If an excess of growth hormone is produced after the long bones can no longer grow—i.e., post-adolescence—a disease called acromegaly, which is characterized by increases in the size of the hands and feet and broadening of facial features, results. A deficiency of thyroid hormone in children also causes growth retardation.

The sex hormones secreted from the pituitary gland interact in a complex way to regulate the growth of the gonads. The gonads in turn produce estrogen and progesterone in females and testosterone in males; these hormones control the development of human secondary sexual characteristics—body hair, enlargement of mammary glands in females, and growth of the vocal cords in males. Although the growth hormones and sex hormones play a vital role in growth, the exact mechanism by which they function has not been established with certainty.

In addition to having the ability to synthesize the factors that regulate growth, plants and animals evidently possess exquisite mechanisms for integrating and regulating the production of hormones; i.e., the appropriate amounts of the right hormones are produced at the right time and the right place for normal growth.

Although many plants, including trees, grow throughout their lives, growth of parts of the organism is not perpetual; e.g., leaves of a given species attain a specific size and can grow no larger. In animals, growth stops entirely, except for replacement, after the juvenile period. The limits for both total body size and organ size are probably established by genetic mechanisms. The factors involved in limiting the growth of an organism are not yet definitely known, but evidence indicates that the liver releases into the bloodstream protein molecules that can limit growth of the organ. Thus, one theoretical view is that an organ may produce substances that serve to limit its own growth, thereby establishing a feedback mechanism. A protein called nerve-growth factor is important for the growth of some parts of the mammalian nervous system. If too much of the nerve-growth factor is present, growth of sympathetic nerve fibres is extensive and aberrant. If the nerve-growth factor is eliminated from the body—by injection of an antibody against the factor—the sympathetic nerves wither and disappear. Other subtle growth regulatory substances specific for various organ systems may eventually be discovered.