


The organisms of this kingdom have a true vertebral column and the internal skeleton structure.

Classification of Vertebrata

·        Vertebrates are further classified as −

o   Pisces

o   Amphibia

o   Reptilia

o   Aves

o   Mammalia

·        Let’s discuss each of them in brief −


·         The organisms of this group are typically different types of fishes.

·         Fishes can live only in water.

·         The skin fish is covered with scales/plates.

·         Fish use oxygen dissolved in water by using gills


·         The tail of fish helps in their movements.

·         Fishes are cold-blooded organisms and their hearts have only two chambers.

·         Fishes lay eggs.


·         The organisms of amphibia have mucus glands in the skin, and they have three-chambered heart.

·         Amphibian can live in water as well as on land.


·        The organisms of amphibian respire through either gills or lungs.

·        The organisms of amphibia lay eggs.


·        The organisms of this group are cold bolded.


·        The organisms of reptilia lay eggs with tough coverings.


·        The organisms of Aves group are warm-blooded.

·        The organisms of Aves group lay eggs except a few, such as bat.


·        Most of the Aves have feathers.


·        The organisms of Mammalia group are warm-blooded and they have four-chambered hearts.

·        Mammalia are typically characterized for their mammary glands.

·        Mammary glands produce milk to nourish the young one.

·        Most of the mammals produce live baby; however, a few of mammals, such as, the platypus and the echidna lay eggs.


·        Mammals’ skin has hairs along with sweat and oil glands.