Difference between Bonding and Antibonding Molecular Orbitals

Molecular Orbital Theory

Bonding Molecular Orbitals

Anti-Bonding Molecular Orbitals

Molecular orbitals formed by the additive effect of the atomic orbitals is called bonding molecular orbitals

Molecular orbitals formed by the subtractive effect of atomic is called anti-bonding molecular orbitals

Probability of finding the electrons is more in the case of bonding molecular orbitals

Probability of finding electrons is less in antibonding molecular orbitals. There is also a node between the anti-bonding molecular orbital between two nuclei where the electron density is zero.

These are formed by the combination of + and + and – with – part of the electron waves

These are formed by the overlap of + with – part.

The electron density, in the bonding molecular orbital in the internuclear region, is high. As a result, the nuclei are shielded from each other and hence the repulsion is very less.

The electron density in the antibonding molecular orbital in the internuclear region is very low and so the nuclei are directly exposed to each other. Therefore the nuclei are less shielded from each other.

The bonding molecular orbitals are represented by σ, π, δ.

The corresponding anti-bonding molecular orbitals are represented by σ∗ , π∗, δ∗.

The lowering of the energy of bonding molecular orbital than the combining atomic orbital is called stabilization energy and similarly increase in energy of the anti-bonding molecular orbitals is called destabilization energy.

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Features of Molecular Orbital Theory

According to the Molecular Orbital Theory, the filling of orbitals takes place according to the following rules: