Global States

It is often desirable to determine whether a particular property is true of a distributed system as it executes. We'd like to use logical time to construct a global view of the system state and determine whether a particular property is true. A few examples are as follows:

In general, this problem is referred to as Global Predicate Evaluation. "A global state predicate is a function that maps from the set of global state of processes in the system ρ to {True, False}."


Because physical time cannot be perfectly synchronized in a distributed system it is not possible to gather the global state of the system at a particular time. Cuts provide the ability to "assemble a meaningful global state from local states recorded at different times".


Distributed Debugging

To further examine how you might produce consistent cuts, we'll use the distributed debugging example. Recall that we have several processes, each with a variable xi. "The safety condition required in this example is |xi-xj| <= δ (i, j = 1, 2, ..., N)."

The algorithm we'll discuss is a centralized algorithm that determines post hoc whether the safety condition was ever violated. The processes in the system, p1, p2, ..., pN, send their states to a passive monitoring process, p0. p0 is not part of the system. Based on the states collected, p0 can evaluate the safety condition.

Collecting the state: The processes send their initial state to a monitoring process and send updates whenever relevant state changes, in this case the variable xi. In addition, the processes need only send the value of xi and a vector timestamp. The monitoring process maintains a an ordered queue (by the vector timestamps) for each process where it stores the state messages. It can then create consistent global states which it uses to evaluate the safety condition.

Let S = (s1, s2, ..., SN) be a global state drawn from the state messages that the monitor process has received. Let V(si) be the vector timestamp of the state si received from pi. Then it can be shown that S is a consistent global state if and only if:

V(si)[i] >= V(sj)[i] for i, j = 1, 2, ..., N