Difference between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing uses a client-server architecture to deliver computing resources such as servers, storage, databases, and software over the cloud (Internet) with pay-as-you-go pricing.

Cloud computing becomes a very popular option for organizations by providing various advantages, including cost-saving, increased productivity, efficiency, performance, data back-ups, disaster recovery, and security.

Grid Computing

Grid computing is also called as "distributed computing." It links multiple computing resources (PC's, workstations, servers, and storage elements) together and provides a mechanism to access them.

The main advantages of grid computing are that it increases user productivity by providing transparent access to resources, and work can be completed more quickly.


Let's understand the difference between cloud computing and grid computing.

Cloud Computing

Grid Computing

Cloud Computing follows client-server computing architecture.

Grid computing follows a distributed computing architecture.

Scalability is high.

Scalability is normal.

Cloud Computing is more flexible than grid computing.

Grid Computing is less flexible than cloud computing.

Cloud operates as a centralized management system.

Grid operates as a decentralized management system.

In cloud computing, cloud servers are owned by infrastructure providers.

In Grid computing, grids are owned and managed by the organization.

Cloud computing uses services like Iaas, PaaS, and SaaS.

Grid computing uses systems like distributed computing, distributed information, and distributed pervasive.

Cloud Computing is Service-oriented.

Grid Computing is Application-oriented.

It is accessible through standard web protocols.

It is accessible through grid middleware.