Moving Email to the Cloud:

Have you adopted Cloud-based email in your organization? Back in 2016, it was reported that nearly 90% of the companies surveyed worldwide were still using on-premises email (or some other legacy option). For most businesses, email is one of the prime component services provided by IT. Although traditionally an on-premises email environment or a third-party hosted email solution, there has been an upsurge in organizations moving to Cloud-based email over the last few years. As there should be – there are major benefits associated with switching to a Cloud-based email service!

In this blog, we’ll talk about six of the benefits that come with adopting Cloud email in your organization. Read along to learn more, plus, see the pros and cons of doing so.


Top 6 Benefits of Adopting Cloud-Based Email

As with other services in the Cloud, the benefits of adopting Cloud email are most often realized in reduced costs and increased operational efficiency. However, there are several other benefits of adopting Cloud-based email.

Benefit #1: Cost Savings

Cloud-based email is a subscription service model, which provides a significant cost savings for implementing and maintaining the environment. By switching to Cloud-based email, you are getting rid of your large capital outlay and converting your email to a monthly or annual operational expense.

Benefit #2: Flexible Scalability

The scalability of Cloud-based email allows for an increase in future email capacity without having to do any major changes to the environment itself. With the increased scalability that Cloud-based email offers, your organization can experience the simplicity of being able to adjust your user license counts, storage capacity, and compute capacity either up or down, depending on your specific needs.

Benefit #3: Improvement of Uptime

The third benefit of Cloud-based email is an improvement of uptime, which allows for more optimal email usage. Because many Cloud-based email providers use multiple redundant sites, and because your data will be stored in the Cloud, your organization will experience better uptime and disaster recovery response times than those organizations that still rely on their on-premise solutions.

Benefit #4: Simplified Administration

Cloud-based email simplifies administration of your email system. By switching to a Cloud-based email system, you won’t need to worry about version control issues or maintenance issues that may come up. As with all web-based applications, Cloud-based email simplifies your administrative needs.

Benefit #5: Improved Security

When you use Cloud-based email system, your corporate emails will reside in an off-site, highly protected location, making it more secure than if it were on-premises. A Cloud-based email provider, like Microsoft, can devote way more resources to securing their facilities than most other organizations out there. Organizations that switch to Cloud-based email solutions, therefore, are taking a step in the right direction of further securing their data.

Benefit #6: Remote Access

By switching to Cloud-based email, you can give your remote workers access to their email from wherever they are, making them more productive. A major trend that’s happening right now in many industries is a push for a more mobile/remote workforce. Cloud-based email can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. All you need is an Internet connection. The convenient remote access to their emails is appreciated by many remote workers.

The Pros and Cons of Cloud-Based Email

Can you see your organization taking advantage of these top 6 benefits of Cloud-based email? Interested in learning more? Here is a list of the pros and cons of moving your organization’s email environment to the Cloud:

