Natural poisons are divided into inanimate (Sthaavara) and animate (Jangama). Inanimate poisons include poisons of plant origin and toxic minerals, metals / metal ores in their natural form embedded in the earth. Animate poisons include venoms of the living such as venoms of reptiles, scorpions, worms, insects etc.

The substrata of natural inanimate poisons are ten viz. root, leaves, fruits, flower, bark, latex, heartwood, resins, toxic minerals and tuber. (S.K. 2/4)

Animate poisons have a wider substrata base. They are sixteen viz. sight, breath, teeth / fangs, nails, urine, feces, semen, saliva, menstrual blood, pincers, anal region, beak bones, bile, hair and a dead body.

Artificial Poisons (Gara):

Artificial poison, also termed concocted poison is prepared by the combinations of various animate and inanimate poisons. They contain parts of insect, blood of animals, fecal matter, ashes of different toxic herbs of opposing actions, toxic minerals and poisons of low potency. (A.H.U.35/49)

Charaka the well-known physician describes two types of artificial poisons. One is composed of non-poisonous matter given in combination. Separately nontoxic these act as poisons when ingested in a combined form. Toxic materials of animate and inanimate origin are combined to prepare the second type. This can be termed `true` Gara. Gara and true Gara metabolize very slowly. The ill effects are not initially so grave, but only a menace. In the long run, both are fatal. (C.Chi.23/14).