The Origin of Ayurvedic Medicine



Ayurveda literally means “The Science of Life” and it represents the oldest complex medical system about healthy lifestyle principle. [Ayur-life, veda- knowledge (or) science]

Ayurveda aims at making a happy, healthy and peaceful society. The two most important aims of Ayurveda are:

·           To maintain the health of healthy people.

·           To cure the diseases of sick people.


The Origin of Ayurvedic Medicine

Auyveda originated in the vedic civilization of India about 4,000 years ago. The origin of its teachings dates back to the ancient Indian scriptures [Vedas]

Atreys was the first great physician and teacher of ayurvedha. “SushruthaSamhita” is written by the great surgeon sushrutha who says “The physician, the patient, the drug and nurses are four feet of the medicine upon which the cure depends.

The great physician Charaka was written the charakasamhita in which he deals with ayurvedic surgery.

Ayurveda is regarded as the mother of all medical system.

·           In India we had the ayurvedic system of medicine which can be traced of about 3000 B.C. Ayurveda stressed on hygiene, prevention of sickness, Inoculation against small pox, Lavatories, good ventilation, construction of hospitals, cultivation of medicinal plants.