Ayurveda: Understanding Its Significance, Health Benefits

Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years, and was considered as one of the best ways to treat diseases and lead a healthy lifestyle in ancient India. Owing to the significance in maintaining good health, we started using the principles and concepts of Ayurveda in our modern world too.  Ayurveda blends our modern lifestyle and health-oriented habits with the ancient wisdom of using natural substances, medicines and herbs to help us lead a healthy, happy, stress-free and disease-free life. Ayurveda was officially recognised by WHO (World Health Organization) in 1976.  The cardinal aim of Ayurveda is to restore the individual balance between mind, body and spirit.

Ayurveda classifies all individuals and body types into three categories:

• Kapha (Earth and Water)

• Pitta (Fire and Water)

• Vata (Air and Ether)

So, all Ayurvedic treatments and therapies vary for individuals depending on the fact that they belong to which aforementioned body type. Every individual needs to perform the exercises, yoga, meditation and take nutrition depending on his/her body constitution.  As long as you are eating as per your body type and performing the exercises accordingly, Ayurveda claims that you will stay disease-free.

The primary requisites of living an Ayurveda-inspired healthy life include wholesome food, meditation and yoga. If you are indulging in these three, you can prevent a lot of diseases, lead a happy life and perform optimally every day. With the Ayurvedic way of life, we can beat stress, which is one of the underlying causes of an array of health troubles that people suffer from in this modern world.