The Ayurvedic Concept of Varicose Veins


The fundamental cause of varicose veins is the loss of elasticity of the vein’s wall, which depends upon the condition of the weak nervous system. Loss of blood, blockage in the circulation, weak digestion, malnutrition, nerve natured personality, old age, anxiety, fear etc, in general, have been found to be the aggravating causes of the weak nervous system. The veins attached with the weak nervous system, at the beginning, become overactive and the overactive veins can be seen dilated in abnormal ways. The dilated veins, while having relaxation, have to assume the normal position. This is the nature because the wall of the veins has the elastic physical properties.


But in the constant effect of the aggravating causes, the elastic physical property of the vein’s wall remains no more to assume the normal position. That, in fact, results in varicose veins. The elastic physical property of the vein’s wall depends upon the bodily grease and viscous elements. The weak nervous system when often on becomes overactive, by nature of over functioning of the affected part or organ, results in dryness counteracting the bodily grease and viscous element. In this condition, the vein’s wall can be seen enlarged changing the size and shape, which remains even in the relaxation.


Varicose veins, in general, are very common to the woman. The reason of it is concerned with menstruation and pregnancy. Any woman, who has the problem of heavy menstruation, can have the problems of weak nervous system. It is especially true in the old age, when the monthly period gradually disappears in the stage of menopause, or one who has a life style to spend a long time hanging the legs in the chair. In this condition, the enlarged veins of legs can be the cause of varicose veins. At, the period of pregnancy, the expanded uterus generally causes pressure in the iliac veins. In this condition, the iliac veins cannot have proper circulation, because there is blockage due to the pressure. That, in fact, in certain condition of the nerve natured personality, loss of blood in the time of delivery and lack of proper rest and diet, can be the cause of varicose veins of the legs.


Enlarged and tortuous veins, especially of the legs, are the obvious symptoms of varicose veins. It appears, at the beginning, in the joint of the veins. Then the effect of it spreads here and there and causes heaviness and pain in the legs. It is not a complicative disease; however, it is progressive and causes the ugliness of the legs.


The general treatment of the varicose veins depends upon the theory of treatment to restore the balance of the weak nervous system. For that, the application of medicated steam, warm fomentation, oil massage, general nerve tonics are beneficial.


Causes of Varicose Veins


The bodily grease and viscous elements are very important to maintain the elastic physical property of the vein’s wall. These greasy and viscous elements in case, are counteracted, the elasticity of the vein’s wall remains no more to assume the normal position. In this condition, the veins, especially of the legs, are being enlarged and tortuous manifest the morbid condition of the varicose veins.


The bodily grease and viscous elements often have been seen counteracted in the physical condition of the weak nervous system. There are many causes, which weakens the function of the nervous system.

Some of them are: loss of blood; blockage in the circulation; weak digestion; malnutrition; nerve natured personality; old age; anxiety; fear etc. Any woman who has the problem of heavy menstruation can have the problem of weak nervous system. It is especially true in the stage of menopause. In this condition, one who has a life style to spend a long time hanging the legs in the chair, can have the problems varicose veins of the legs. At, the period of pregnancy, the expanded uterus generally causes pressure in the iliac veins.


In this condition, the iliac veins cannot have proper circulation, because there is blockage due to pressure.

That, in fact, in certain condition of the nerve natured personality, loss of blood during the period of delivery and lack of proper rest and diet, can be the cause of varicose veins.

The nerve natured personality is the result of the overactive nervous system by birth. Thin skin with clear veins, difficulty to gain weight (skinny), unproportionate face, and restless, nervous, talkative and weak physical condition are the main caricatures of the nerve natured personality. It is well investigated that a woman, in particular, having this kind of personality, suffers from the problem of varicose veins of the legs.


The problem of hypoglycemia or low blood pressure is very common to the woman. The cause of it is the weak pancreas and loss of blood in menstruation. In this condition, the weak nervous system can be the cause of varicose veins.


Symptoms of Varicose Veins


The skin if is white and thin, the enlarged veins can be seen clearly with deeper blue colour and changed the natural size and shape of them. At the beginning, the problem of varicose veins takes place at the back of legs. Then it spreads here and there, because it is a progressive disease. The veins are being enlarged and tortuous, in general, the patient feel heaviness and painful in the affected area.


Especially, the pain and heaviness get worse in the winter, humidity, cloudy day, walking too much and during the period of menstruation. Varicose veins is not a harmful condition of the disease, however, it is a problem to the society with the dress of skirt, as the disease is ugly looking.


Prevention f Varicose Veins


During the period of delivery, any woman must have oil massage daily for one or two months. The application of the oil massage isvery effective to restore the normal function of the nervous system. After delivery, she must have complete bed rest, at least, for two months. High protein and greasy diet is recommended. Cold bath, swimming, salad, yogurt, vinegar etc. are strictly prohibited; warm dress and warm atmosphere in the sleeping room is very important; to sit on the chair hanging the legs for long time is not good.


The problem of heavy menstruation has to be treated as soon as possible. The problem of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia has to be solved as soon as possible. A nerve natured person has to gain weight with high protein and greasy diet along with digestive and appetizing drugs.


In this condition, some kind of activity on business, which should create name, fame, reputation or money, also is very important to be cheerful. The cheerful mood is found always good to control and regulate the function of the nervous system. It is more important to any woman in the stage of menopause. The stage of menopause is a universal truth. Any woman in this stage, if is alone and has no any creative work, can have many problems.


Treatment of Varicose Veins

The general treatment of varicose veins depends upon the application of the medicated steam, warm, fomentation, oil massage and general nerve tonics. The main aim of these applications is to restore the weak nervous system. In another sense, the aim of the treatment of varicose veins is to restore the elastic physical property of the vein’s wall. For that the function of the weak nervous system must be counteracted with proper blood circulation, heat, general

tonics which should increase the bodily grease and viscous elements.


The medicated steam is made out of decoction of Dashamula, a compound of Aegle marmelos with other herbs. It is applied with an instrument of pipe to spray on to the affected area. The application of the steam subdues the over-activity of the weak nervous system and makes the walls of the veins soft. It is especially used in the advanced stage of varicose veins.

The warm fomentation is made out of warm salt water. It is applied with a thick cloth soaked in the warm salt water to have compress in the affected area. It has the same effect as of medicated steam. It is prescribed in the early stage of the varicose veins.


Narayanatail, an oil preparation made of asparagus root with other herbs, is one of the best oil preparations for massage. It is applied after steam or fomentation to rub on gently on the affected area. The oil massage subdues the over-activity of weak nervous system, softens the vein’s wall, creates heat and increases the proper blood circulation. Oil massage, in another sense, is very important to replace the elastic physical property of the veins, because, it is greasy and increases the viscous elements of the body. It can be prescribed in any stage of varicose veins.


The general nerve tonic contains some minerals e.g. iron etc., along with some other herbs, which increases the vital energy and strengthens the function of the nervous system. Yogaraja Guggulu, a compound of Balsamodendron mukul with other herbs and minerals, is one of the best general nerve tonics. It is prescribed in any condition of the varicose veins, for internal use.


In regard to the treatment of varicose veins, it is very important to pay attention that the effect of the treatment is very slow. The treatment of varicose veins in the early stage must be continued, at least, for three months. And the treatment of advanced varicose veins needs to continue, at least, for six months.