A Balanced Diet and Nutrition

Food is central to Ayurveda because what we put in our bodies ultimately builds our dhatus and provides the fuel for life. For, that reason, Ayurveda favours vibrant foods that are full of vital life energy, or prana. Those foods include organic fruits and veggies, high-quality grains and oils, and whole foods in general that are not overly processed or synthetic.

Foods that are frozen, canned, and refined are devoid of nutritional value and are usually processed with artificial colours, flavourings, additives, preservatives, chemical pesticides, and genetically altered ingredients. These foods lack prana and contribute to an array of imbalances and illnesses.

Increase the following foods in your diet:

• Whole grains and legumes (brown rice, quinoa, barley, beans, lentils)

• Fruits and vegetables (local and seasonal whenever possible)

The following high-quality foods should be used sparingly:

• Natural sources of sugar (honey, maple syrup, stevia, agave)

• Nuts and seeds (sunflower, pecans, flax seeds, walnuts, almonds)

• Unrefined oils (organic sunflower oil, extra-virgin olive oil, ghee)


·         SWEET Sugar, milk, butter, ghee, sweet fruit, bread, pasta, grains

·         SOUR Yoghurt, lemon, vinegar, wine, soy sauce, grapefruit, aged cheese

·         SALT Salt (also in vegetables; especially celery and seaweeds)

·         PUNGENT Hot, spicy foods such as pepper, ginger, garlic, cayenne, chilli

·         BITTER Leafy greens, olives, turmeric, horseradish, turmeric, fenugreek, nettle, lettuce, aloe

·         ASTRINGENT Beans, lentils, dhal, honey, rhubarb, apples, leafy greens, pomegranate, sprouts.


 The tongue has taste buds which register all the above six tastes. If the body receives all these tastes in each meal it feels satisfied and will not overeat or feel hungry again soon after eating. However, there are far more taste buds that register the sweet as opposed to astringent or sour taste. This is because we do not require equal amounts of each taste. There are more ‘sweet’ taste buds because this is the taste, we require the most of; sweet tasting foods, such as rice and milk, are nourishing and give us protein, energy and vitality. They are heavy and grounding and are required by Vata types much more than Kapha types.