The Ayurvedic Concept of Asthma


The fundamental cause of asthma is the bronchiospasm, which depends upon the blockage of the respiratory system for inhaling and exhaling. The bronchi connected especially with the lower lobes of the lungs, if are blocked, the upper lobes of the lungs, by nature, become more active. In this condition enough oxygen cannot be supplied through the passages of the respiratory system that in fact, causes breathlessness to activate the lungs for enough oxygen supply.


The Ayurvedic words Vata and Kapha are the keynotes to designate the physical condition of asthma. The word, Vata is the significance of spasm and the word, Kapha indicates the blockage whatever may be the cause of it. Bronchial edema; congestion; mucous exudation; partly failure of the respiratory function; exhaustion; inflammation etc in general, results in blockage in the passage of respiratory system for inhaling and exhaling.


Asthma is classified into the three categories:


·         General asthma.

·         Malignant deep asthma and allergic asthma.


The malignant deep asthma has three different conditions related with failure of the kidney function; failure of the respiratory function; failure of the exhaling function. The allergic asthma also has two different natures: one is common in the winter season and another in summer season.


The general asthma is called “Ksudraswasa”. It is concerned with the exhaustion whatever may be the cause of it. In general, it appears as a symptom of related diseases.


The malignant deep asthma related with the failure of the kidney is called “Mahaswasa”. It is common in old age and causes death.The malignant deep asthma related with the failure of the respiratory function is called “Chinnaswasa”. It is common in old age or complicative situation of patient and causes death. The malignant deep asthma related with the failure of the exhaling function is called “Urdhwaswasa”. It is common in the old age or complicative situation of patient and causes death. The allergic asthma, which is common in winter season, is called “Tamakaswasa”. It is related with cold atmosphere, cold water, cool breeze, and mucous exudation whatever may be the cause of it.


Causes of Asthma


The bronchiospasm or periodical reversed function of the respiratory system is the fundamental cause of the asthma and the cause of the bronchiospasm is the airways obstruction. The bronchi particularly connected with the lower lobes of the lungs, if are blocked, the upper lobes of the lungs, by nature, becomes more active. This is the morbid condition of the reversed function of the respiratory system. In this condition, enough oxygen cannot be supplied through the air

passages of the respiratory system. That, in fact, causes

breathlessness to activate the lungs for enough oxygen supply, which is very important for proper functions of the heart and brain. The Ayurvedic words, Vata and Kapha are the keynotes to designate the physical conditions of asthma. The word, Vata is the significance of spasm which is concerned with frequent impulses of the respiratory nervous system and the word, Kapha is the significance of blockage or airways obstruction which depends upon the conditions of

bronchial edema or swelling; congestion; mucous exudation; partly failure of the respiratory function; exhaustion; accumulation of air; inflammation; shrinking condition of the lungs etc.


The main cause of general asthma is the weak heart concerned with another diseases e.g. bronchitis, fever, bleeding diseases, obesity; urinary diseases; hepatomegaly; general edema; peritonitis; general debility etc. The particular causes of malignant deep asthma can be varied e.g.failure of the respiration function; failure of the kidney’s function; failure of the exhaling function etc. these causes often are associated with old age. It is well investigated that the person who has well expanded chest (that in general is common to the person who do exercise) in the old age or in some other condition if the chest is declined; can have the problem of deep asthma.


Symptoms of Asthma


Difficulty for breathing or breathlessness is the general symptom of asthma. Uneasiness in the heart, abnormal colic pain, tympanitis or bloated stomach, bad taste in the mouth and slight headache especially affecting the temples are the primitive symptoms of the asthma which indicate the attack of asthma. Difficulty for breathing, especially in the condition of exertion is the main symptom of general asthma. It is often associated with other symptoms of related diseases e.g. heart problems, chronic bronchitis,pulmonary T.B. hepatomegaly, edema, excitement etc. This kind of asthma which having rest causes no problems and the attack of bronchiospasm automatically disappears.


Treatment of Asthma

The general treatment of asthma is based on the combination of drugs, which open the blockage of respiratory system and subdue the attack of spasm. The drug which opens the blockage depends upon the condition e.g. drug for swelling; drug for inflammation; drug for congestion; drug for mucous exudation. And, the drug, which subdues the spasm, contains some specific antiasthma medicine.


Swasakasantaka, a compound of Adhatoda vasica with other ingredients, is one of the best remedies against asthma to counter the problems of blockage and spasm. It is prescribed with warm water or honey for three to four weeks for immediate relief.While treating the problems of general asthma, if it is symptomatic, the related disease also has to be treated side by side with regular drugs. It is very important.The general treatment of allergic asthma, which has different natures related with hot and cold condition should be based on the specific combination of drugs, which open the bronchial blockage; subdue the attack of spasm; strengthen the functions of the pulmonary nervous system and artery system; correct the unseen problems neurasthenia.

To open the blockage whatever may be the condition of it,Mrityunjaya, a compound of Aconitum palmatum with other ingredients, is one of the best remedies. In general, this medicine is very effective to subdue the problems of congestion and inflammation of allergic asthma either related with heat or cold. Lavangasava, a fermented drug of clove with other herbs, is very important to prescribe with Mrityunjaya.To subdue the attack of spasm, Chaturdasanga, a compound of carminative ingredients with anti-asthma drugs is one of the best remedies. The drastic spasm of allergic asthma related with cold has to be controlled with Chaturdasanga along with Nimbadi, a compound

of Azadirachta indica and other herbs. And the drastic spasm of allergic asthma related with heat has to be controlled with Surasadiyoga, a compound of Ocimum sanctum with other herbs.These drugs, which open the blockage and subdue the attack of spasm, have to be prescribed for three to six months.



Prohibited Foods and Behaviour Of Asthma


Cold drinks; ice cream; milk products; especially yogurt; fruit juice; salad; mushroom; watery vegetables e.g. pumpkin, squash etc; vinegar; greasy food preparations; pork, beef and fish; water of well, pond or river; nuts e.g. peanut, walnut, cashew nut, coconut etc.; sleeping during the day; swimming; cold bath; effect of damp, hot and cold condition; rain wet; heat on the brain (sun bath) windy or cold atmosphere; running; jogging; heavy exercise or labour; withholding the natural urges of urine, stool and gas; smoking, effect of smoke; pollution and dust; sleeping naked; over indulgence in sex etc. are prohibited during the treatment of asthma.