Ayurvedic Concept of Low Blood Pressure


The morbid condition of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is called “Ojaksaya”. It is, in general, concerned with the deficiency of serum (Rasaksaya), which weakens the function of the heart. The weak heart cannot circulate the blood in proper way especially through the arteries. That, in fact, is the significance of low blood pressure, which results in low or weak pulses, poor digestion, general debility, constipation, and back pain, loss of weight, dizziness, headache, mental distraction, irritation, heart diseases, pale looking and weakness of hearing.


There are many causes of hypoglycemia. Some of them are concerned with anemia, bleeding diseases e.g. menorrhagia, hematuria, bleeding hemorrhoids, hematorrhea, ulcer, traumatic hemorrhage etc, diarrhea or chronic diarrhea (Sprue); dysentery or chronic colitis; hepatitis or chronic hepatitis; urinary diseases e.g. albuminorrhea, chyluria, polyuria, glycosuria etc; overindulgence in sex; heavy labor; anxiety; fear; awakening at night; malnutrition; fasting; little food; shock; heat; old age etc.


It is well investigated that the condition of hypoglycemia whatever may be the cause of it, is common to the person who has the nerve natured body type. Unproportionate face, big mouth, thin skin with clear veins especially on the face, lean and thin body, restlessness, intellectually brilliant, compassionate activities, talkative and fearful

caricatures are the sign of the nerve natured body type. The main cause of it is the weak function of the pancreas.


Some symptoms of low blood pressure concerned with the brain and extremities are the same as of hypertension. The reason of it is the poor blood circulation carried through the arteries, which cannot force the blood circulation of the veins.


In this condition, the arteries cannot supply enough blood to the brain and some other organs, for their proper functions, and the veins contain more blood, which results in dizziness, headache and hot sensation. This is very important to pay attention for proper diagnosis.


Loss of appetite and poor digestion whatever may be the cause of them, are the aggravating causes of low blood pressure. Not having good appetite and proper digestion of food, the liver cannot function in proper way to store enough sugar and to excrete enough bile, which is very important to stimulate the pancreas for good appetite and digestion of food.


In this sense, it is very clear that the poor function of the pancreas is indirectly concerned with the chronic low blood pressure or hypoglycemia.The symptoms of low blood pressure come and go, not even being noticed in its beginning stage. The patient of low blood pressure or hypoglycemia feels better when he is active and does some creative

work. Woman compared to man complains more the problems of hypoglycemia. The reason of it is the loss of blood during the period of menstruation. It is especially true to the woman who has the nerve natured body type.


The general treatment of low blood pressure depends upon the drugs, which stimulate the digestive power, strengthen the bodily stamina and relieve the problems of particular diseases, which are concerned with low

blood pressure.


The drug, which stimulates the digestive power, contains the carminative, digestive and appetizing ingredients.

The drug, which strengthens the bodily stamina, includes the general tonic and aphrodisiac medicine.

The drug, which cures the particular diseases concerned with hypoglycemia should be arranged according to the proper diagnosis of chronic diarrhea; chronic colitis; chronic hepatitis; deficiency of serum; chronic urinary diseases; chronic diseases of the uterus etc.


Causes for Low Blood Pressure


Deficiency of serum is the main cause of low blood pressure because the amount of blood sugar depends upon the quantity of serum. Any morbid condition of low blood sugar related with deficiency of serum weakens the heart. The weak heart cannot function in proper way for blood circulation and results in weak pulses manifesting the particular

symptoms of low blood pressure.


Anemia whatever may be the cause of it results in low blood pressure, because the deficiency of blood including serum is the significance of anemia. Any bleeding diseases e.g. menorrhagia, hematuria, bleeding hemorrhoids, bleeding ulcer, traumatic hemorrhage, hematorrhea etc. cause low blood pressure because there is the deficiency of blood including serum.


Diarrhea or chronic diarrhea (Sprue), dysentery or chronic colitis causes low blood pressure. In this condition, the food cannot be digested in proper way. Foods not being well digested, the essence of them cannot be assimilated. That results in deficiency of serum.

Hepatitis or chronic hepatitis causes low blood pressure. Because the injured liver cannot stimulate the pancreas to digest sugar and store sugar. In this condition, the by-products of the blood cells e.g. bile etc. filtered in the liver reverse back to the blood circulation and destroy the blood sugar.


Urinary diseases e.g. albuminorrhea, chyluria, polyuria, glycosuria etc. cause low blood pressure because there is abnormal wastage of vital ingredients of serum. Overindulgence in sex causes low pressure because of wastage of semen degenerating the function of

the bone marrow, which results in anemia.


Heavy labor causes low blood pressure. In this condition, the destruction of blood ingredients results in the deficiency of blood including serum.Anxiety or fear or shock causes low blood pressure. In this condition, the mental tension weakens the cardiovascular system, which cannot circulate the blood in proper way for in and out transition. Awakening at night results in dryness that can be the cause of low blood pressure.

Effect of heat results in dryness that also can be the cause of low blood pressure. Old age is the lack of immunity’s result and the poor function of the bodily organs. In this condition, the deficiency of blood including serum, by nature, manifest the symptoms of low blood pressure.


Malnutrition or fasting or insufficient food intake, by nature, results in deficiency of blood including serum. In this condition, the problems of low blood pressure are very common. It is especially true for poor people.


In regard to these causes and conditions of low blood pressure, it is very important to pay attention for diagnosis that the person who has the nerve natured body type, weak digestion and loss of appetite, in general, suffers from the chronic low blood pressure because his or her pancreas is weak. Otherwise, the symptoms of low blood

pressure come and go.


Symptoms f or Low Blood Pressure


General debility, constipation, back pain, dizziness, often on headache and depression are the main symptoms of low blood pressure. Weak pulses are the significance of poor blood circulation. Careful investigation of pulses is very important for diagnosis.


The patient of low blood pressure often complains of poor digestion and loss of appetite. In this condition he gets more low blood pressure with all the symptoms of it. In general, when he is hungry, especially in the morning, he feels very weak and irritable. After eating, he always feels better.


Sleepy all the time, laziness and body ache are some other clear symptoms of low blood pressure. In this condition, when sitting if stands up quickly, causes numbness, blurred vision and dizziness. It is especially true when sitting in the sun.

The condition of blood pressure, if is very low, can be the cause of collapsing for a moment. It is very common in the accidental trauma.


The patient of low blood pressure not being treated in proper way can have heart problems e.g. palpitation angina pectoris, fear, irritation with sound, and depression etc. in this condition he looks pale and sad. Woman suffering from low blood pressure or hypoglycemia, in general, gets very bad depression and mental distraction.


Besides all these symptoms, weak hearing, noise in the ear, weak vision, hot sensation of the extremities (sometime very hot in the hot season or very cold in the cold season), reaction with refrigerant drugs, breathlessness etc. also can be accompanied with the regular symptoms of low blood pressure.


Low blood pressure is not a particular disease; it is a side effect of some other diseases. In regard to these facts, it is very important to know that the diagnosis of particular diseases concerned with low blood pressure must be well investigated. Otherwise, the symptoms of low blood pressure, being much clear, cannot be identified with the related conditions, which are very important for the proper



Prevention for Low Blood Pressure


The regular check-up for blood pressure must be carried out to see the function of the heart. Appetite and digestive power must be maintained with proper diet. If is necessary, some digestive, appetizing and carminative drugs can be taken.


Over eating or heavy meals can disturb the digestive power, which is very bad. Regular time for eating is very important for regular function of digestion and to have desire to eat in the meal time.


The person, who has tendency to have low blood pressure, should be away from anything, which causes mental distraction, fear and shock. Regular exercise is very important to have proper blood circulation, which stimulates the function of the pancreas.


Any disease concerned with low blood pressure e.g. urinary disease, bleeding disease, diarrhoea or chronic diarrhoea, dysentery or chronic colitis, anaemia, hepatitis or chronic hepatitis, constipation, angina pectoris etc. should be treated as soon as possible with proper treatment and diet.


Diet with full protein should be arranged in proper way. In some condition, alcoholic beverage is beneficial to drink after meal but not before meal. Also, the dose of it should be moderate; otherwise, it causes heavy intoxication.


Sound sleep is very important. There should not be any disturbances during the time of sleeping. Fasting, laxative drugs, bloodletting practices (blood donation etc.) and constrictor refrigerant drugs are prohibited (unless it is necessary to prescribe in some condition).


Treatment for Low Blood Pressure


The general treatment of low blood pressure is based on the combination of drugs, which stimulate the digestive power, strengthen the bodily stamina and relieve the problems of particular diseases concerning low blood pressure.


The drug, which stimulates the digestive power, contains some digestive, appetizing and carminative ingredients. Trikatu Rasayana, a compound of Piper longum with other herbs is one of the best compounds to stimulate the digestive power. In the same way, some tincture of drugs e.g. Karpurasava, made of camphor etc; Lavangasava, made of clove etc. can be prescribed after meal, at least, for two to three months.


The drug, which strengthens the bodily stamina, includes the general tonic and aphrodisiac medicine. Draksyasava, a formentated drug made of grapes etc; Mallayoga, a compound of iron oxide with other herbs; Chyavanaprasha, a paste made of Emblica officinalis and some other herbs etc. are well known Ayurvedic tonics and aphrodisiacs.


The drug, which relieves the problems of particular diseases concerned with low blood pressure, should be arranged according to the problem of patient. In this case, the regular treatment of hepatitis or chronic hepatitis, diarrhea or chronic diarrhea, dysentery or chronic colitis, anemia, urinary disease, bleeding etc. is very important to treat side by side with other regular treatments of low blood pressure.


Diet for Low Blood Pressure


The patient of low blood pressure must have proper diet with full protein. Especially vegetarians should arrange their diet to have enough protein from different sources of foods and the food preparations must be spicy with different appropriate spices e.g. ginger, black pepper, cardamom, turmeric, bay leaf, cinnamon, nutmeg etc.