The Ayurvedic Concept of Breast Cancer

The physical construction of the breast is composed of numerous duct systems, especially connected with the mammary glands. The cellular substance of the mucous membrane or epithelium is very active in the breast. Rohini is the Sanskrit synonym of epithelium, which is considered as the original birth place of the neoplasm or cancer. Ayurveda points out that any physical condition of injury of the epithelial tissue results in abnormal branches of blood vessels.

These blood vessels, in general, start to dry up not causing any big problems. But in some condition of pathogenic defects of the muscular tissues and the blood, these abnormal blood vessels can be active again causing constant impulses in the scar of the injured epithelial tissues. The constant impulses of the abnormal blood vessels, in fact, result in abnormal growth or neoplasm in the epithelial tissues of the affected organ.


This is the general theory of Ayurveda concerning why and how develops the abnormal growth. The cause of pathogenic defects of the muscular tissues and the

blood is the accumulated and decomposed bodily fluid, which is exudates in the abnormal process. This kind of decomposed bodily fluid, if is circulated and accumulated in the abnormal branches of the blood vessels; the affected scar of the epithelium starts to have abnormal growth with different benign and malignant natures. The abnormal growth, smaller in the nature of growing is identified as a “Granthi” and the abnormal growth; bigger in nature of growing is

called “Arbuda”.

The tissues of the abnormal growth are composed of neutral cells, which are called “Napunsaka”, the Ayurvedic word for the cells of abnormal growth or neoplasm. These kinds of cells grow as a parasite; however, they have no natural functions concerned with the organ when they are growing. This abnormal growth or neoplasm is classified into two groups: basic group and individual group.


Causes of Breast Cancer


The fundamental cause of breast cancer either benign or malignant is the injury of the epithelium. The physical or traumatic injury of the epithelium results in abnormal branches of blood vessels; in the process of healing of the injury they dry up not even causing any big problem. But, in some condition of pathogenic defect of the muscular tissues and the blood, these abnormal vessels can be active again causing constant impulses in the scar of the injured epithelial tissues.


The constant impulses of the abnormal blood vessel’s extremities, in fact, result in abnormal growth or neoplasm in the epithelial tissues of the affected organ. It is well investigated that the epithelium has peculiar nature of growing if there are constant impulses. Therefore, the Sanskrit word, Rohini, which is the synonym of epithelium, means

the cellular substances of the mucous membrane with growing nature. In the physical construction of the breasts, these kinds of cellular substances are very active in female. This is the reason why the breast cancer is common to the woman.


The cause of pathogenic defect of the muscular tissues and the blood is the accumulated and decomposed bodily fluid, which is exudated in the abnormal process. The decomposed bodily fluid, which is sour in general, if is circulated and accumulated in the abnormal branches of the blood vessels, the affected scar of the epithelium gets more nutrition to have abnormal growth.


Excessive or daily indulgence in meat or fish; yogurt (curd); cream;butter; sour fruits or foods; salt; contradictory foods e.g. milk to be taken together with fish or acid fruits; overeating; sleeping during the day, especially after meat etc. cause exudation and result in pathogenic defect of muscular tissues.


Excessive or daily indulgence in sour foods and fruits; salt; alkali; alcoholic beverages; soybean products; sesame seed products; leafy green vegetables; over ripped fruits; rotten or stale foods; greasy food preparations; liquid diet; yogurt; hot tea or coffee; hot spicy foods; roasted or burnt foods; anger; effect of heat etc. cause pathogenic defect of blood. These foods and behaviours are considered as acid producing and heat producing agents, which are very bad for the

constituents of blood.


The contamination of the rat’s urine mixed with its semen, which is poisonous, can be the specific cause of minor neoplasm of the breast.


The excessive or daily use of sugar or anything, which is sweet in taste without other counteractive things e.g. bitter, pungent, or astringent things, can be the specific cause of major neoplasm of the breast.


The patient of gout not having proper treatment can develop a major neoplasm of the breast. The excessive or daily use of meat or fish can be the specific cause of myoma of the breast.


The tendency of gaining weight can be the specific cause of lipoma of the breast. The constant effect of hot and cold e.g. swimming or cold bath right after sun bath or vigorous exercise or labor; air-conditioned house etc. can be the specific cause of angioma of the breast.


The wet condition; improper bandage and wrong diet can be the specific cause of neoplasm developed within ulcer or wound of the breast.


The problem of excessive volume of blood in the circulation, especially localized in the physical structure of the breasts e.g. it is common during the period of menstruation, can be the specific cause of malignant chain like abnormal growth of the breast.


The breast by nature is a delicate organ. There are many conditions, which can be the cause of injury of the breast epithelium. Squeezing in love affair; tight dress on the breast; constant vibration of the breasts as caused by certain type of vehicles or strenuous exercise; avoidance of breast feeding right after child birth or during the period of breast feeding while the mammary glands are very active; baby bite (it is common when there is no enough milk secretion); blockage caused by thickness of milk or any abnormal condition of the intercostals veins; problem of the breast abscess; irregular menstruation; depression, mental anxiety or any other condition which cause declining of the breasts etc. are the main causes of injury of the breast’s epithelium.


Breast cancer whatever may be the condition and character of it, is common to the age of adult when the mammary glands are active.


Symptoms of Breast Cancer


The abnormal minor cyst like growth of Vataja-Granthi is bluish in color; the affected area is soft and distended like a bladder. It stretches out at the beginning, and then starts to have retraction with neuralgic pain, spasm and pressure. Finally, it causes ulceration and bleeding. The discharge of the light blood is the characteristic of it. In this case, the nervous system of the breast is found more



The abnormal major cyst like growth of Vataja-Arbuda has the same symptom of Vataja-Granthi, however, the abnormal growth of it is bigger in size and shape.The abnormal minor tumor like growth of Pittaja-Granthi is light red and yellow in color and in sensation just like burnt in fire. The cause of it is inflammation of the abnormal growth, which results in retraction and ulceration very quickly. The discharge of hot blood from the ulceration is the characteristic of it. In this case, the vein system of the breast is found more aggravated. The abnormal major tumor like growth of Pittaja-Arbuda has the same symptoms of Pittaja-Granthi; however, the growth of it is bigger in size and shape.


The abnormal minor tumor of the Kaphaja-Granthi does not change the color in the affected area. It is very hard just like a stone, cold in touch and not so painful. It grows very slowly with itching sensation.


Finally, it causes ulceration. The thick and white pus like discharge is the significance of it. In this case the artery system of the breast is found more aggravated.The abnormal major tumor of Kaphaja-Arbuda has the same symptoms of Kaphaja-Granthi; however, the growth of it is bigger in size and shape.


The abnormal major growth of Medoja-Arbuda (Lipoma) has the same symptoms of Medoja-Granthi; however, the abnormal growth is bigger in size and shape.


The abnormal major growth of Mamsaja-Arbuda (Myoma) develops at the beginning in the form of swelling. Then it localizes as a hard growth, which is immovable; greasy and non-infectional. The color of the affected skin does not change. In this case, the muscular tissues of the breast are found more defective.The abnormal minor growth of Mamsaja-Granthi (Myoma) has the same symptoms of Mamsaja-Arbuda; however, the growth of it is smaller in size and shape.


The abnormal minor growth of Siraja-Granthi (Angioma) develops in round shape erected very quickly. It is bluish red in color, painful and movable, however, in advanced stage; it is not painful and movable.In this case, the structure of the veins of the breast is found defective.


The abnormal minor growth of Branaja-Granthi (Neoplasm developed within the ulcer or wound) manifests around the margin of ulcer or wound with the symptoms of itching, hot sensation and bleeding.


The abnormal chain like glandular growth of Visarpa-Granthi(Adenoma) is very painful, irregular in shape and size and red in color in the affected area. It has two different natures: one develops slowly and another is opposite of it i.e. grows very quickly. In the metastatic condition of it, fever, intoxication, loss of appetite, lung’s cancer, decaying of the affected organ, sleepy all the times, coma, coughs, diarrhea etc. can be appeared as complicative symptoms.


The breast cancer either benign or malignant if is ulcerated can develop some symptoms of metastatic condition e.g. fever, lung’s cancer, loss of appetite, indigestion, intoxication etc. The metastatic condition of neoplasm is considered to be very difficult to cure or even not to be curable; however, it can be well maintained for time being. The metastatic condition of neoplasm is called “Adhyarbuda” or “Dwirarbuda”. In this condition, the neoplasm develops from one organ to the other or the neoplasm develops another abnormal growth on the same neoplasm or at the same time, two different abnormal growths can be appeared unanimously or one by another.


Prevention of Breast Cancer


Right after the birth of a child whether male or female, the breasts of a healthy baby are naturally full of milky liquid. This milky liquid must be taken out daily for a period of one month. The best practice is to squeeze it gentle once or twice a day. The cleaned breasts, especially for a woman at the age of puberty, will function in proper way and will not have any problems of blockage which is very good for the health of the breasts.


At the time of monthly period or menses, the breasts are generally affected by menstrual sensation, which causes it to expand with slight pain. The breasts must return to its original position or normal condition automatically at the end of menses. In this natural process, if the breasts remain expanded with pain; this indicates that there is some kind of abnormal condition of blockage in the blood vessels.


For the health of the breasts this condition must be corrected as soon as possible, using hot compress or hot fomentation to clean the duct system. A hot water bottle or hot roasted salt wrapped in thick cloth is prescribed for hot compress; a steam bath or bathing in hot water is beneficial means of fomentation. During the period of such treatment, sleeping during the day or napping, awakening in the middle of the night and squeezing the breast are strictly prohibited.


Breast-feeding plays a very important role to clean the breasts. If a woman avoids breast-feeding, it can cause blockage in the duct system of the mammary glands, which is very bad for the health of the breasts.


To have proper breast-feeding, right after child birth, mother must make a simple test of the purity of her milk. Pure milk dropped in water will dissolve completely. If it does not dissolve, that indicates impurity of the milk, which may create blockage and infection. In this condition, some bitter drugs are beneficial to purify the milk. Breast feeding, in general, should be stopped when the child starts to have the teeth. If the child unable to suck the milk of the breast, the

accumulated milk must be manually squeezed out from time to time, for few days.


The natural functions of the uterus and the breasts are interrelated; a regular menses affect the breasts to have healthy function. The problem of menorrhagia or amenorrhea can cause the defective function of the breasts. Therefore, the problems of the uterus have to be treated in proper way as soon as possible. The genital organs and the breasts have a mutual relationship, which become clearer in the age of puberty. They develop side by side resulting in sexual maturity. With respect to this interrelationship, proper sexual activity is very important in keeping breasts healthy.


Overindulgence in sex causes the declining condition of the breasts and malfunction. Excessive or daily use of meat; fish; greasy foods including milk products; sugar or sugarcane products; tight dress; sleeping during the day or napping; condition of hot and cold; squeezing of the breast in the love affair etc. are very bad for the health of the breast.

The excessive blood volume, which is common to the woman in the condition of overeating or obesity, has to be controlled with proper diet and bloodletting practices. The breast should be protected from any kind of injurious conditions of impact or blow etc.


Treatment of Breast Cancer


The treatment of breast cancer is divided into two different drugs: drugs for general treatment and drugs for specific treatment. The general treatment is based on the drugs, which subdue the abnormal growth, clean the blood and muscular tissues, restore the balance of the bodily systems, maintain the stamina and heal the ulceration.


Besides these applications of drugs, surgery can be recommended in any condition of the breast cancer. And the specific treatment depends upon the condition of the breast cancer e.g. drug for neuralgic condition, drug for hard tumor, drug for lipoma, drug for myoma, drug for angioma, drug for neoplasm developed within the ulcer or wound and drug for adenoma.


The drugs, which subdue the abnormal growth developed in the nature of swelling, are beneficial, in general, to prescribe in the beginning stage of the breast cancer. Poultice made of meat cutlet steamed with grease and carminative spices; plaster made of Stamonium datura and Shilajatu (Bitumen like rock secretion); hot compress or application of steam; mild laxative drug; bloodletting practice etc. can be applied to subdue the swelling like abnormal growths.

Shankhachurnadilepa, a compound of conch shell ash with other alkalis, is one of the best remedies to dissolve the abnormal growth. It is used to plaster on. Gugguluyoga, a compound of Balsamodendron mukul with other herbs or Kanchanara guggula, a compound of Bauhinia variegata with other herbs is one of the best remedies for internal use.


The drugs, which clean the blood and the muscular tissues, have to be prescribed, in general, in any condition of the breast cancer. Chandraprabha, a compound of camphor with Shilajatu (bitumen like rock secretion) and other herbs and minerals, is one of the best remedies to clean the blood and the muscular tissues. It is used for internal use.


The drugs, which restore the balance of the bodily systems depend upon the conditions of the breast cancer e.g. drugs to restore the balance of the nervous system in the case of the cyst like neoplasm, drugs to restore the balance of the vein system in the case of neoplasm with inflammation and hard tumor. The drugs, which restore the balance of the nervous system, contain some carminative, oily and heat producing ingredients or sweet; sour and salty things.


The drugs, which restore the balance of the vein system, contain some sweet, bitter or astringent things, which counteract the heat. Also, contents in this are some laxative or something, which counteract the heat. And the drugs, which restore the balance of the artery system, contain some bitter, pungent or astringent ingredients or heat producing ingredients.


The drugs, which maintain the stamina, are prescribed, in general, in any condition of the breast cancer. Raudrarasa, a compound of mercury with other herbs, is one of the best medicines to maintain the stamina.

The healing drugs depend upon the ulcerative condition of the breast cancer. Any neoplasm of the breast if is neglected, can have the problem of ulceration. In this condition as soon as possible the process of healing treatment should be applied, however, the ulcerative condition is not easy to cure without surgery.


Ayurveda emphasizes that any kind of neoplasm of the breast can be taken out with proper operation, however, it is very dangerous too. After, an operation if any abnormal cells of the neoplasm remain, then like fire or poison, they can spread in metastatic condition, which is very harmful.


Prohibited foods and behaviours


Meat; fish; yogurt; greasy food preparations; sugar or sugarcane products; sesame products; soybean products; peanut; vinegar; fried, roasted or burnt food preparations; sleeping during the day; indulgence in sex; withholding the natural urges of stool, urine, gas; over eating; anxiety etc.