Kapha Dosha

Kapha governs all structure and lubrication or fluid balance in the mind and body. It controls weight, growth, lubrication for the joints and lungs, and formation of all the seven tissues (lymph, blood, fat, muscles, bones, bone marrow or nervous tissue and reproductive tissues). You need to balance the heat of Kapha if many of the following conditions are present:

• You gain weight easily and find it very hard to lose weight.

• You tend to be overweight.

• You often feel dull, bored and lethargic.

• You lack energy and feel lazy or complacent.

• You experience sinus problems

• You have frequent and prolonged chest colds and flu.

• You suffer from congestive problems

• You suffer from asthma or bronchitis.

• You need lots of rest and sleep long hours.

• You wake up feeling heavy and un-refreshed.

• You find that you are possessive, greedy and over-attached.

• You feel discomfort in cold, damp weather.

• You experience bloating or water retention.

• Your digestion is slow and heavy even when you have only eaten a small meal.

• Your joints and muscles feel stiff and heavy, especially in the morning.