Need analysis and design

What is a Needs Analysis?

The needs analysis is the very first step in the ADDIE instructional design process. The needs analysis identifies the core problem(s) to solve, target audience, current state, desired outcomes, and training recommendations. A needs analysis sets the stage to design and develop an effective instructional design experience. The needs analysis is one of the most crucial parts of instructional design, yet it is often overlooked and even skipped in an effort to save time. Research has demonstrated however, that when the needs analysis phase is by-passed, it ends up costing much more in the long run.

Key Ingredients of a Needs Analysis

Below is a summary of the most important ingredients of a needs analysis:

*      A great needs analysis identifies the core problem(s) to be solved.

*      A great needs analysis describes the target audience of the training.

*      A great needs analysis lists the desired outcomes or goals of the training.

*      A great needs analysis identifies existing performance gaps and training content.

*      A great needs analysis provides training and performance improvement recommendations.

​A typical learning needs analysis can take anywhere from 2 hours to two weeks. It is important avoid the temptation to get stuck in a state of "analysis paralysis." Analysis paralysis occurs when the instructional designer loses traction (and spins) in an attempt to answer all the questions up front. Remember that the modern instructional design needs analysis process is fluid and changing. Great instructional designers gather enough information to target the course in the right direction, but remains efficient and never loses focus in the details.