Cylinder Block

·         _________ serve as a support and enclosure for moving parts.

Answer: Because cylinder block is outer body of the engine which encloses all other parts like piston, connecting rod etc.

·         In modern engines cylinder block and crank case forms a single casting because _________

Answer: Cylinder block and crank case are made of single casting to make them a rigid structure since they should withstand high temperature and to have good wear properties.

·         _______ are cast in crankcase to give extra strength and to support camshaft bearings.

Answer: Since rims forms/gives an outer layer for crankcase they are used besides they too have high wear properties.

·         A separate _______ crankcase would result in saving weight also enabling cheaper and quick replacement.

Answer: Aluminium is of lighter weight and is easily available in the market so which can be replaced easily with comparatively lower price.

·         Which of the following isn’t a cylinder block part?

Answer: Carburettor isn’t a part of cylinder block it is used for mixture of fuel and air and then allowed to the intake port.

·         Cylinder block is usually made from _________

Answer: Since cylinder block has to withstand more sliding of piston the material should be good in wearing properties so grey cast iron material is used for cylinder block.

·         In some small engines, the cylinder walls are plated with __________ to reduce wall wear and increase the service life.

Answer: Chromium a very hard metal with high coefficient of thermal expansion so used to reduce wall wear and to promote service life.

·         Which of the following is advantage for aluminium alloy cylinder block over grey cast iron?

Answer: Density of aluminium is one-third of cast iron and it is a light weight material which is advantage over cast iron.

·         By which relation speed of piston can be calculated inside cylinder block?

Answer: Because in cylinder block when piston oscillates up and down it takes twice the length(to and fro) and with speed the engine rotates so it is 2LN.

·         Bubbles of air in radiator is sign of _________ problem.

Answer: Bubbles of air in radiator is sign of blown head gasket which is a rare case occurring in cylinder head for which remedy is replacement of gasket, which requires an elevated platform for lifting engine.