Heat Engines

·         A heat engine converts heat energy from fuel combustion or any other source into which type of work

Answer: A heat engine gives mechanical work as output.

·         A steam engine comes under the category of

Answer: A steam engine is a External combustion engine.

·         Which of these is a power absorbing heat engine

Answer: An air compressor is a power absorbing heat engine.

·         Which of these is a type of reciprocating steam engine

Answer: Simple, compound and uniflow are types of reciprocating steam engine.

·         A gas undergoes step 2 in Carnot cycle. Which of these processes describes the 2nd step

Answer: The 2nd process in carnot cycle is isentropic expansion.

·         A gas undergoes step 4 in Carnot cycle. Which of these processes describes the 2nd step

Answer:  The 4th process in carnot cycle is isentropic compression.

·         A gas undergoes isothermal compression in Carnot cycle. Which step does it undergo

Answer: Isothermal compression is the 3rd step in Carnot cycle.

·         Thermal power plants operate on which of these cycles

Answer: Thermal power plants operate on Rankine cycle.

·         The efficiency of a combined cycle gas turbine(steam cooled) can range as high as

Answer: A steam cooled combined cycle gas turbine can have efficiency as high as 60%.

·         One ‘ton of refrigeration’ equals how much Btu/hr.

Answer: One ton of refrigeration equals 12,000 Btu/hr.