1. Explain the Reason That Why Big Tyres Are Used In Rear Of Vehicles?

Answer: Large tyres provide larger surface area touching the ground, thus providing the more pulling power. Basically tractors have larger rear tyres because tractors don’t have to operate at higher speeds, thus getting the same ground speed with larger tyres. Moreover gear ratios don’t have to be as high as b/c of the tyres.

2. What Is Kingpin Offset? State Some Of Its Application.

Answer: The kingpin offset is the part, basically called as pivot used in the steering of the vehicles. This offset helps in rotating of the steering and thus it’s very useful in steering mechanism of the cars.

Applications: This is also used to measure scrub radius with the help of geometric parameters of wheel plane above and below ground level. It provides directional stability to the vehicles when it i combined with the caster.

3. Explain The Basic Difference Between Bs2 And Bs3 Engine.

Answer: The basic difference of BS2 and BS3 engines is the presence of catalytic convertor. Catalytic convertor is present in BS3 engine which helps in reducing the formation of HC and CO. While in BS2 engine, no catalytic convertor is present which forms HC and CO. Thus in BS3 engine there is no emission of harmful CO and HC. The full form of BS is bharat stage, which is a standard of emission in India.

4. What Is An Injector Pressure In Heavy Vehicles? Why It Is Used?

Answer: Injector pressure i s the pressure at which the fuel can be injected into the vehicle. In heavy vehicles, injector pressure is 220 kg/cm square. It is used to set up the standard fuel injection in the vehicles. With the help of injector pressure we can calculate the amount of fuel needed, through the following formula:

Est. Horsepower x B.S.F.C / No. of injectors x duty cycle = lb/hr per injector

cc = lb/hr x 10.5

5. During The Drive Torque, What Will Be The Weight Shift?

Answer: In case of cars the torque is applied to the rear wheels, thus limiting accelerator due to front wheel drive due to weight transfer. This drive is bolted to the chassis of the car. Modern manufacturers therefore design rear wheel drive to have similar handling to front wheel drive wherever possible via suspension tuning.

6. In A Tractor, How The Hydrostatic Propulsion Systems Work?

Answer: This system is based on Pascal’s law. In a tractor the pressure is same, so the force given by the liquid to the surrounding is equal to the pressure X area. Thus, obeying the Pascal’s law hydrostatic propulsion system is designed, similarly small piston feels small force and the large piston feels larger area.

7. Explain The Reason That Why The Tyres Are Always Black In Colour. Is This Phenomena Related To The Heat Conduction?

Answer: Tyres colour is black due to the proportion of carbon mixed in it during the vulcanization of the rubber, to make the tyre shear resistant. Without vulcanization tyres won't be able to bear the friction heat and stress of the road. Thus carbon is responsible for giving tyres the prominent black colour. Adding of carbon prevents tyres from rapidly deteriorating because when ozone combines with the ultraviolet light from the sun. It attacks the polymer of the tyre.

8. What Is Bhp? How Can You Measure Bhp?

Answer: BHP is ‘Brake Horsepower’. It reflects the powerfulness of the brakes of the vehicles. BHP stands for how much power will be required to make the engine stop working i.e. to stop the rotation of the engine.

BHP = 2 times pi times torque times revolutions; all this divided by 550. Pi is 3.1416 and torque is in pounds-feet, and revolutions are revs per second.

9. What Will Happen If Someone Adds Oil To The Fuel Of Four Stroke Bike Engine?

Answer: This will result in damaging of the engine faster. Adding oil will lead to the higher wear and tear of the cylinder liner, piston and damage to the piston. It will lead to abnormal combustion and knocking and detonation. Dark smoke and abnormal sounds will be generated by the engine. One should not mix oil with the fuel of four stroke engine.

10. How Will You Differentiate Between Two Stroke Engine And Four Stroke Engine?

Answer: In case of two stroke engine, rotation of crank shaft will be power stroke for every two rotations. During compression stroke, fuel will flow towards the crank case(suction) and during power stroke, exhaust will emit the burnt fuel through the transfer ports.

While in case of four stroke engine, rotation of crank shaft will be power stroke for every four rotation. Moreover, suction compression power and exhaust strokes are separate as there will be inlet and exhaust valves.




1. What Is The Size Of The Recommended Compressor Cfm? Where It Can Be Used?

Answer: It is generally used in spray painting of very small areas. It can be used where painting with brush is very difficult. thus to improve the rate of painting the spray painting is used as this method is very fast and efficient. Usually reciprocating compressors are used but size depends on requirements.

2. What Is The Range Of Engine Efficiency In Case Of Two Stroke Engine?

Answer: The two stroke engines have very high range to be compared to the four stroke engines. Because power stroke is generated every two revolution while in four stroke, power stroke is generated every four revolutions.

3. What Do You Understand By Cc Of Engine?

Answer: The meaning of CC is cubic centimeters. It represents the total volume of the engine cylinder. This reflects that the engines with more CC can generate more powers than the other engines. CC can also be related as inversely proportional to the fuel consumption.

4. What Is Back Compressor In Engines?

Answer: Back compression means the compression capability of the engine. An diesel engine can compress at the ratio of 14:1 to as high as 25:1. Thus the higher compression leads to better efficiency of the engine. Thick black smoke is emitted when the engine’s compression is reduced which leads to the deformed ead-gasket lead into crankcase.

5. How Air Conditioners Work In Cars?

Answer: Air conditioners are based on the principles of evaporation and condensation and then compression and expansion. The hot air of the car is removed by the process of evaporation and then the condensation of the evaporated air takes places which is then further compressed by the compressor and then finally expanded to us in the form of cold breeze. Somehow, Air conditioning reduces the average of the car, as the energy is required to remove the hot air and then compression and expansion.

6. What Are Three Methods Of Heat Transfer?

Answer: Three methods of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation.

Conduction: The transfer of energy by collisions between the atoms and molecules in a material.

Convection: Transfers heat when particles move between objects or areas that differ in temperature.

Radiation: The transfer of energy by waves.

7. Why The Plastic Materials Used In The Screwdriver's Handles?

Answer: Due to non-conducting nature of plastic, it is widely used for the electricity purposes. Moreover, plastic is cheap and strong so it is less prone to damage. Furthermore, plastic does not bend and does not slips from the users hands.

8. Does Diesel Engine Powered Automobile Use Unit Pump And Unit Injector?

Answer: In the case of the engines powered by diesel fuel supply systems, unit pump & unit injector are operated by camshaft & thus pressure of injected fuel depends on engine speed. Whereas,in common rail systems it is independent of engine speed.

9. If We Use Gasoline In Diesel Engine, What Will Happen?

Answer: Adding gasoline to the diesel engine may blast off the engine. Compression ratio of the petrol engine is 6 to 10 and diesel engine is 15 to 22. Thus gasoline will get very highly compressed and might result in blast off engine.

10. What Is Octane Number And Cetane Number?

Answer: Octane number can be defined as the percentage, by volume, of iso-octane in the mixture of iso-octane and h-heptane. It is the measure of rating of SI engine.

While cetane number can be defined as the percentage,by volume, of n-cetane in the mixture of n-cetane and alpha methyl naphthalene. It is the measure of rating of CI engine.




1. Explain The Significance Of Governor In Automobiles?

Answer: Governor is an important component of automobile engine. It is used to regulate the main speed of engine during the variations in loads. With the variations in the load, fuel supply has to be maintained. This task is performed by the governor. In the case of high load on the engine, speed decreases, hence fuel supply has to be increased and similarly when load decreases then the fuel supply has to be decreased.

2. What Is The Reason For Emitting The White Exhaust Smoke During Start Of The Vehicle? How Will You Prevent This?

Answer: The main cause of white smoke is water or anti-freeze entering the cylinder, so the engine starts to burn it with the fuel. That white smoke is nothing but steam. 

Prevention measures: There are special gaskets i.e. head gaskets and primary gaskets that prevent the anti-freeze from entering into the cylinder area. This anti-freeze will produce a white steam which will accumulate at the tailpipe area.

3. What Are Mpfi And Tpfc Systems?

Answer: MPFI stands for Multi Point Fuel Injection. In this system fuel is injected into the intake ports which is situated just upstream of each cylinder’s intake valve. These systems are sequential systems, in which injection is timed to coincide with intake stroke of each cylinder.

TPFC stands for transient power fuel control system. In this type of systems constant choke carburetor is used. The salient feature of this carburetor is that it provides jerk less engine raise. In these systems, throttle valve creates vacuum which opens the slide which controls the air fuel ratio through a tapered jet.

4. What Is Sae? Mention The Importance Of Sae To The Automobile Domain ?

Answer: SAE stands for society of automotive engineers. This society is responsible for developing the standards for the engineering of powered vehicles of all kind. The vehicles may include car, boat, truck and even aircraft. SAE has developed standards for ground vehicles and aerospace vehicles. SAE also encourages students of engineering, technology, science and math’s disciplines. This society has been publishing technical information since 1906.

5. What Is Dtsi? Why This Technology Is Used In Motor Bikes?

Answer: DTSI stands for Digital Twin Spark Ignition. This is used to get better combustion in the combustion chamber. In this technique double spark plugs are used to obtain better combustion of fuel in cylinder head. Through this technique fuel is ignited properly. Moreover it provides better efficiency and it is economical in fuel consumption.

6. How Does The Thermostat Work?

Answer: When the engine is too cold the thermostat closes the main valve, thus stopping the flow to the radiator. When the engine is too hot, it opens the main valve for normal circulation through the radiator.

7. What Is A Pressure Cap In The Radiator?

Answer: It is a seal in the radiator that maintains the selected pressure in the cooling system when the engine is hot.

8. Why Does A Compression Engine Use High –octane Fuel?

Answer: The property of a fuel, which describes how fuel will or will not self-ignite, is called the octane number or just octane. Engines with low compression ratios can use fuels with lower octane number, but high compression engines must use high-octane fuels to avoid self-ignition and knock.

9. What Is The Use Of Hydrogen In Automobile?

Answer: Low emissions. Essentially no CO or HC in the exhaust as there is no carbon in the fuel. Most exhaust would be H2O and N2 Fuel availability. There are a number of different ways of making hydrogen, including electrolysis of water.

10. What Is The Use Of Natural Gas In Automobiles?

Answer: High octane number makes it very good S.I engine fuel
Low engine emissions.

Less aldehydes than with methanol






1. What Is Pitching In The Suspension System?

Answer: Pitching is a rocking action about a transverse axis through the vehicle, parallel to the ground. The front suspension moves out of phase with the rear, experiencing the rocking effect due to pitching.

2. What Do You Mean By Independent Suspension?

Answer: Independent suspension refers to the mounting of the wheel on a separate axle, so that road shocks affect only the particular wheel.

3. What Is Pan Hard Rod Or Track Bar?

Answer: A pan hard rod is a bar or tube running from one side of the axle to the frame on the other side of the vehicle. It helps the leaf spring in keeping the axle centered under the body during turning a corner.

4. What Is Clutch Drag?

Answer: When the clutch is not disengaging fully and provides some difficulty in changing the gears then this defect is called clutch drag.



1-The ignition temperature of diesel is about:

(A) 210°C

(B) 310°C

(C) 410°C

(D) 510°C


2-Knocking tendency in SI engine reduces with increasing:

(A) Compression Ratio

(B) Wall temperature

(C) Engine speed

(D) None


3-The two reference fuels used for Cetane rating are:

(A) Cetane and iso-octane

(B) Cetane and tetra ethyl lead

(C) Cetane and alpha methyl naphthalene

(D) None


4-The type of brake commonly used in automobiles is:

(A) Shoe brake

(B) Band brake

(C) Band and block brake

(D) None


5-Which type of spring is usually used for an automobile clutch?

(A) Spiral spring

(B) Leaf spring

(C) Closed coil helical spring

(D) None


6-What SAE30 number indicates?

(A) Flash point

(B) Viscosity

(C) Pour point

(D) Fire point


7-Brake Horse Power equation is:

(A) 2ΠNT/4500

(B) 2ΠNT/100

(C) (BHP/IHP) x 100

(D) (PLAN/4500) x K


8-Raditor pressure cap consist of:

(A) Vacuum valve

(B) Pressure valve

(C) Plug valve

(D) Pressure and Vacuum valve


9-Which of the following generally drive the oil pump:

(A) Cam shaft

(B) Crank shaft

(C) Battery

(D) Chain drive


10-In two stroke engines, ports are in

(A) Cylinder head

(B) Cylinder walls

(C) Bottom

(D) Any of the above


1-(A), 2-(C), 3-(C), 4-(A), 5-(C), 6-(B), 7-(A), 8-(D), 9-(A), 10-(B)



1-The following device stores the energy

(A) Flywheel

(B) Governor

(C) Cam shaft

(D) Crank shaft


2-In diesel engine, mixing of fuel and air takes place in the:

(A) Combustion chamber

(B) Mixing chamber

(C) Carburettor

(D) Fuel pump


3-The process of removing burnt gases from engine cylinder is known as

(A) Suction

(B) Scavenging

(C) Supercharging

(D) Turbo charging


4-Work output/Burnt fuel energy =

(A) Volumetric efficiency

(B) Mechanical efficiency

(C) Thermal efficiency

(D) Brake efficiency


5-Brake Horse Power (BHP)/Indicated Horse Power (IHP) =

(A) Volumetric efficiency

(B) Mechanical efficiency

(C) Thermal efficiency

(D) Brake efficiency


6-Variable steering ratio can be achieved by which of the following type of steering gearbox?

(A) Worm and sector steering gear

(B) Worm and nut steering gear

(C) Rack and pinion steering gear

(D) Worm and roller steering gear


7-In manual steering of cars, steering ratio is approximately:

(A) 8

(B) 15

(C) 35

(D) 70


8-Aneroid is a device used for:

(A) Cold starting

(B) Easy running

(C) Decompression

(D) Controlling emission


9-Maximum room in the engine compartment is provided with:

(A) Wishbone type suspension

(B) Mcphearson strut suspension

(C) Rigid axle suspension

(D) Vertical guide suspension


10-Diesel cycle consists of

(A) two adiabatic and two constant volume processes

(B) two adiabatic and two constant pressure processes

(C) two adiabatic, one constant volume and one constant pressure process

(D) two isothermal, one constant volume and one constant pressure process


11-The octane number of petrol generally available is:

(A) 20 to 40

(B) 40 to 60

(C) 80 to 100

(D) 100 to 120



1-(A), 2-(A), 3-(B), 4-(C), 5-(B), 6-(D), 7-(B), 8-(D), 9-(A), 10-(C), 11-(C)




1.What happens if gasoline is used in a Diesel engine? Diesel engine will work?
Answer: No, It will not work, as the Compression ratio of Petrol engine is 6 to 10 & that of Diesel engine is 15 to 22. Thus on such high compression, gasoline gets highly compressed & it may blast.

2.How to calculate bearing number to diameter of the inner and outer?
Answer: Divide the shaft diameter size by 5, it will give last two digit of the bearing no. and according to type of load we have to chose the type of bearing and that will give prior no. of the bearing.

3.Explain the reason that why big tyres are used in rear of vehicles?

Answer: Large tyres provide larger surface area touching the ground, thus providing the more pulling power. Basically tractors have larger rear tyres because tractors don’t have to operate at higher speeds, thus getting the same ground speed with large tyres. Moreover gear ratios don’t have to be as high as b/c of the tyres.

4.What is kingpin offset? State some of its application?

Answer: The kingpin offset is the part, basically called as pivot used in the steering of the vehicles. This offset helps in rotating of the steering and thus it’s very useful in steering mechanism of the cars. Applications: This is also used to measure scrub radius with the help of geometric parameters of wheel plane above and below ground level. It provides directional stability to the vehicles when it i combined with the caster.

5. Explain the basic difference between BS2 and BS3 engine?

Answer: The basic difference of BS2 and BS3 engines is the presence of catalytic convertor. Catalytic convertor is present in BS3 engine which helps in reducing the formation of HC and CO. While in BS2 engine, no catalytic convertor is present which forms HC and CO. Thus in BS3 engine there is no emission of harmful CO and HC. The full form of BS is bharat stage, which is a standard of emission in India.

6.What is an injector pressure in heavy vehicles? Why it is used?

Answer: Injector pressure i s the pressure at which the fuel can be injected into the vehicle. In heavy vehicles, injector pressure is 220 kg/cm square. It is used to set up the standard fuel injection in the vehicles. With the help of injector pressure we can calculate the amount of fuel needed, through the following formula: Est. Horsepower x B.S.F.C / No. of injectors x duty cycle = lb/hr per injector cc = lb/hr x 10.5

7.During the drive torque, what will be the weight shift?

Answer: In case of cars the torque is applied to the rear wheels, thus limiting accelerator due to front wheel drive due to weight transfer. This drive is bolted to the chassis of the car. Modern manufacturers therefore design rear wheel drive to have similar handling to front wheel drive wherever possible via suspension tuning

8.In a tractor, how the hydrostatic propulsion systems work?

Answer: This system is based on Pascal’s law. In a tractor the pressure is same, so the force given by the liquid to the surrounding is equal to the pressure X area. Thus, obeying the Pascal’s law hydrostatic propulsion system is designed, similarly small piston feels small force and the large piston feels larger area.

9.Explain the reason that why the tyres are always black in colour. Is this phenomena related to the heat conduction?

Answer: Tyres colour is black due to the proportion of carbon mixed in it during the vulcanization of the rubber, to make the tyre shear resistant. Without vulcanization tyres won’t be able to bear the friction heat and stress of the road. Thus carbon is responsible for giving tyres the prominent black colour. Adding of carbon prevents tyres from rapidly deteriorating because when ozone combines with the ultraviolet light from the sun. It attacks the polymer of the tyre

10. What is BHP? How can you measure BHP?

Answer: BHP is ‘Brake Horsepower’. It reflects the powerfulness of the brakes of the vehicles. BHP stands for how much power will be required to make the engine stop working i.e. to stop the rotation of the engine. BHP = 2 times pi times torque times revolutions; all this divided by 550. Pi is 3.1416 and torque is in pounds-feet, and revolutions are revs per second


1.What will happen if someone adds oil to the fuel of four stroke bike engine?

Answer: This will result in damaging of the engine faster. Adding oil will lead to the higher wear and tear of the cylinder liner, piston and damage to the piston. It will lead to abnormal combustion and knocking and detonation. Dark smoke and abnormal sounds will be generated by the engine. One should not mix oil with the fuel of four stroke engine.

2.How will you differentiate between two stroke engine and four stroke engine?

Answer: In case of two stroke engine, rotation of crank shaft will be power stroke for every two rotations. During compression stroke, fuel will flow towards the crank case(suction) and during power stroke, exhaust will emit the burnt fuel through the transfer ports. While in case of four stroke engine, rotation of crank shaft will be power stroke for every four rotation. Moreover, suction compression power and exhaust strokes are separate as there will be inlet and exhaust valves.

3.What is the size of the recommended compressor CFM?

Answer: Where it can be used? It is generally used in spray painting of very small areas. It can be used where painting with brush is very difficult. thus to improve the rate of painting the spray painting is used as this method is very fast and efficient. Usually reciprocating compressors are used but size depends on requirements

4.What is the range of engine efficiency in case of two stroke engine?

Answer: The two stroke engines have very high range to be compared to the four stroke engines. Because power stroke is generated every two revolution while in four stroke, power stroke is generated every four revolutions.

5.What do you understand by CC of engine?

Answer: The meaning of CC is cubic centimeters. It represents the total volume of the engine cylinder. This reflects that the engines with more CC can generate more powers than the other engines. CC can also be related as inversely proportional to the fuel consumption.

6.What is back compressor in engines?

Answer: Back compression means the compression capability of the engine. An diesel engine can compress at the ratio of 14:1 to as high as 25:1. Thus the higher compression leads to better efficiency of the engine. Thick black smoke is emitted when the engine’s compression is reduced which leads to the deformed ead-gasket lead into crankcase.

7.How air conditioners work in cars?

Answer: Air conditioners are based on the principles of evaporation and condensation and then compression and expansion. The hot air of the car is removed by the process of evaporation and then the condensation of the evaporated air takes places which is then further compressed by the compressor and then finally expanded to us in the form of cold breeze. Somehow, Air conditioning reduces the average of the car, as the energy is required to remove the hot air and then compression and expansion.

8.Explain how you can keep your car in good condition?

9.How often does a car requires services?

Answer: Car requires services yearly and major maintenance at 6,000 miles.

10.Before buying a used car what things you should look for?


1.Explain how timing belt works?

Answer: Timing belt rests on the crankshaft pulley and either one or two camshaft pulley; they are all align through timing belt. The closing and opening of engine valves are controlled by camshaft to let in air and fuel mixture or exhaust gas, if you do not have a timing belt or damaged timing,  it will directly affect the timing of opening and closing of engine valves. This is the reason it is called timing belt and if not in a good position, it will damage your engine.

 2.Explain what is the difference between Crankshaft and Camshaft?

Crankshaft: It is linked to the pistons by the connecting rods, the force produced by the fuel-air mixture is transmitted to the crankshaft and converted to rotary motion as the crankshaft turns.

Camshaft:  It controls the intake and exhaust valves. It is linked with crankshaft either by timing chain or belt, and it turns one rotation for each two rotations of the crankshaft, for each valve it operates- the cam opens each valve at the correct time to draw fuel and air mixture or expel the exhaust gas

3.What may cause  engine overheat?

4.What is automotive charging system is made up of?

Answer: Automotive charging system is made up of

5.What is the standard reading in voltmeter for functional battery?
Answer: For functional battery, the standard reading for voltmeter is 14-15 which is normal, but if reading shows 13 or less then, there is a problem with the battery.

6.How can you judge whether the problem is due to alternator and not due to battery?

7.Explain what are the components in alternator and how it works?
Answer: An alternator consists of the stator, rotor and copper wiring. The rotor and stator are belt driven magnets encased in copper wiring, which creates a magnetic field.  This belt is connected with engine, so when engine starts it rotates the rotor and generate a magnetic field. Stator converts this magnetic field into voltage that flows to the diode.  The diode assembly converts the AC electricity to DC, which is used by car battery.

8.What are the important components of Engine lubrication system?

Important components of engine lubrication system includes

Oil pan: It is a container where engine oil settles down when car is not running

Pickup tube: When engine starts oil get sucked up through pickup tube

Oil pump: The pump will help to slide up oil into the tube against the gravity

Pressure relief valve: It relieves the pressure on oil

Oil filter: It removes dirt and debris form the oil

Spurt holes and galleries: These are the holes in the crankshaft or other parts of the engine through which oil streams and make them lubricated

Sump: Once it has lubrication job is done it will go back again into oil pan or sump

9. Explain what is kingpin offset?

Answer: Kingpin offset the part, which is usually used as a pivot in the vehicles steering.

10.What do you mean by CC when mentioning car efficiency?

Answer: CC stands for Cubic Centimetres; it tells the total volume of the engine cylinder.  It indicates that the automobile with more CC produces more power than the other engines.




1.How petrol engine is different than diesel engine?

Answer: Petrol engine: Petrol engine works on the principle of Intake (fuel + air), Compression, Power and Exhaust. It means the fuel, and air will enter the combustion chamber, piston come upwards and compress the fuel. The compressed fuel comes in contact with spark plug and produces a spark that push piston down

Diesel Engine:  In diesel engine the phenomenon is slightly different, there is no sparkplug in diesel engine. In here only air enters in the burning chamber, when piston is pushed up by motor, it will compress the air in the chamber, making it hot.  Now valve opens and inject diesel, because of compressed air, the diesel blasts and push the piston down

 2. Explain clutch system works?

Answer: Clutch system is made up of two metal plates adjacent to the engine.  When you press the clutch pedal down the plates come apart separating the engine from the drive wheels allowing the drivers to change the gear, and re-engage the plates again with the engine once the gear is changed

3. Explain what is the benefit of dual clutch transmission?

Answer: The dual clutch transmission allows gears to be pre-selected before they are changed, so one clutch selects the second gear while the second clutch selects the third gear.  There are usually seen in race cars

4. Explain what do you mean by independent suspension?

Answer: Independent suspension is referred to the mounting of the wheel on a separate axle.  So, that road shocks affect only the particular wheel.

5. Mention the injector pressure in heavy vehicle?

Answer: Injector pressure in heavy vehicle is about 220 kg/cm square.

6. What is actual power delivered by the engine known as?
a) Shaft power
b) Horse power
c) Brake power
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: The power delivered by the engine is called brake power.

7. If ‘T’ is torque(in Nm) and ‘N’ is speed(in rpm) then the required expression for Brake power ‘B.P’ in kWs is
a) 2πNT/6000
b) 2πNT/60000
c) πNT/6000
d) πNT/60000

Answer: b
Explanation: The required expression is B.P = 2πNT/60000.

8. The torque available at the contact between road and driving wheel is called
a) Brake power
b) Friction power
c) Tractive effort
d) Engine torque

Answer: c
Explanation: The torque between road and wheel is called tractive effort.

9. Which of these is not a power loss which takes place between engine and driving wheel
a) Power loss due to friction of piston bearings and gears
b) Power loss from clutch to drive wheel due to friction of various parts
c) Transmission line loss
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: All the above mentioned losses are encountered while transmission of power

10. The force that opposes the motion of a vehicle is
a) Rolling resistance
b) Gradient resistance
c) Wind or air resistance
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Rolling resistance, gradient resistance and air resistance all oppose the motion of a vehicle.




1. Rolling resistance doesnot depend on which of the following factors
a) Load on each road wheel
b) Radius of driving wheel
c) Wheel inflation pressure
d) Nature of road surface

Answer: b
Explanation: Rolling resistance does not depend on radius of driving wheel.


1.For an average type of road surface what percentage of vehicle’s weight constitutes rolling resistance
a) 5 to 10%
b) 1 to 2%
c) 2 to 5%
d) 0 to 3%

Answer: b
Explanation: On an average road surface rolling resistance is 1 to 2% of vehicle’s weight.

2. Wind or air resistance depends on which of the following factors
a) Shape and size of vehicle body
b) Air velocity
c) Speed of vehicle
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Air resistance on a vehicle depends on all the above mentioned factors.

3. If ‘k’ is coefficient of air resistance, ‘A’ is frontal area projected by the vehicle in square metres and ‘V’ is vehicle speed(in km/h) then the expession for air resistance ‘A.R’ on the vehicle is
a) A.R = k*A*V^2
b) A.R = k*A*V^3
c) A.R = 2k*A*V
d) A.R = k*A*V

Answer: a
Explanation: The correct expression for air resistance is A.R = k*A*V2.

4. The value of coefficient of air resistance for average cars is approximately equal to
a) 0.32
b) 0.032
c) 0.0032
d) 1.32

Answer: c
Explanation: For average cars, value of coefficient of air resistance is approx 0.0032.

5. One Horse Power(H.P) is approximately equal to _____ Watts.
a) 810
b) 545
c) 634
d) 746

Answer: d
Explanation: 1 H.P = 746 Watts.

6. Gradient resistance for a vehicle depends on which of the following factors
a) Weight of the vehicle
b) Size of the vehicle
c) Width of tyres
d) Speed of the vehicle

Answer: a
Explanation: Gradient resistance depends on weight of the vehicle.

7. Power to weight ratio for high performance cars can range upto
a) 150
b) 190
c) 230
d) 280

Answer: c
Explanation: The ratio of power to weight of high performance cars can range as high as 230.

8. In a four stroke engine each cylinder has
a) One valve
b) Two valves
c) Three valves
d) Four valves

Answer: b
Explanation: A four stroke engine cylinder has one intake and one exhaust valve.

9. In a diesel engine the fuel injection pressure is in the range
a) 100 to 170 atm
b) 60 to 70 atm
c) 30 to 40 atm
d) 20 to 25 atm

Answer: a
The pressure of fuel injection is very high for a diesel engine.

10. The valve is opened as the cam lobe on the cam raises the
a) Bearing
b) Piston
c) Valve lifter
d) Valve seat

Answer: c
Explanation: Valve opens when valve lifter is raised.




1) Mercedes cars belong to which country?

Answer: Germany.


2) What is the expansion of NVH, an abbreviation commonly used in automobile dealings?

Answer: Noise, Vibration and Harshness.


3) What was the rally with which the World Rally Championship opened?

Answer: The Monte Carlo Rally.


4) In which year was the first true Pierce Car made?

Answer: 1901.


5) What are the two essential parts of a vehicle?

Answer: Carriage portion and machine portion.


6) What are the two units of an articulated vehicle?

Answer: Tractor unit and trailer unit.


7) Name the machine portion of the automobile which carries the carriage portion?

Answer: Chassis.


8) Year of manufacture of an automobile is referred to as what?

Answer: Model.


9) Who described the first International Combustion Engine?

Answer: Christiaan Huygens.


10) Who built the first self-propelled road vehicle?

Answer: Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot.


1) Who built the first American self-propelled steam vehicle?

Answer: Oliver Evans.


2) Who built the first American gasoline powered automobile?

Answer: Charles Duryea and Frank J. Duryea.


3) When was the first electric self-starter installed in the automobile?

Answer: 1911.


4) Who built England’s first full-sized steam carriage built?

Answer: Richard Trevithick.


5) Who introduced the first brake in carriages?

Answer: Walter Hancock.


6) Who constructed an Internal Combustion Engine in 1860?

Answer: Etienne Lenoir.


7) Who invented four-stroke engine?

Answer: Nikolaus August Otto and Eugen Langen.


8) What was the fuel used in the first four-stroke vehicle?

Answer: Gas.


9) When was the four-stroke engine invented?

Answer: 1866.


10) Who substituted oil for gas in the four-stroke engine?

Answer: Gottlieb Daimler.





1) What factor contributed most to the acceleration of the development of automobile?

Answer: The introduction of Internal Combustion Engines.


2) Who produced a tricycle with an I.C engine 1n 1885-86?

Answer: Karl Benz.


3) Who built the first motor-cycle?

Answer: Gottlieb Daimler.


4) The first four-wheeler powered by an I.C engine was built by whom?

Answer: Siegfried Marcus.


5) Who built the first gasoline automobile which incorporated many of the essential features of the modern car?

Answer: Arthur Constantin Krebs.


6) In which year was the Panhard Car designed?

Answer: 1894.


7) What is called the type of body of a car, of which the top is fabric and could be folded down?

Answer: Convertible.


8) What determines the driving thrust (speed) of a vehicle?

Answer: The torque applied at the wheel.


9) What part or device is used to control the speed of a vehicle?

Answer: Accelerator.


10) Name the steel bar which functions by twisting within a vehicle machine?

Answer: Torsion bar.




1. Exhaust valve temperature is about
a) 35-degree celsius
b) 100 degree celsius
c) 150 degree celsius
d) 500 degree celsius

Answer: d
Explanation: The temperature of the exhaust valve is of the order of 500 degree celsius


2. The size of the engine intake valve is
a) Same as that of exhaust valve
b) Smaller than that of exhaust valve
c) Larger than that of exhaust valve
d) Does not depend upon the size of exhaust valve

Answer: b
Explanation: The exhaust valve is made bigger in size than the intake valve.


3. The device used to measure the clearance between the valve and tappet of an IC Engine is
a) Feeler gauge
b) Snap gauge
c) Slip gauge
d) Micrometer

Answer: a
Explanation: A Feeler gauge is used to measure the clearance.


4. The purpose of valve clearance is to
a) Allow the valve to expand
b) Allow the sliding of valve in the guide
c) Ensure that the valve closes fully
d) Ensure that the crankshaft is free to rotate

Answer: c
Explanation: Valve clearance ensures that valve closes completely.


5. The opening and closing of a valve is respectively done by
a) A cam and a spring
b) A spring and a cam
c) Gas pressure and cam
d) Cylinder vacuum and spring

Answer: a
Explanation: An engine valve is opened by a cam and closed by a spring.


6. On modern four stroke engines the exhaust valve opens just
a) Before TDC
b) After TDC
c) Before BDC
d) After BDC

Answer: c
Explanation: Exhaust valve opens before the piston reaches Bottom Dead Centre.


7. A relief valve is fitted to the main oil gallery of an engine. The purpose of this valve is to
a) Limit the maximum oil pressure
b) Open when the oil is hot
c) Maintain the supply if the gallery becomes blocked
d) Stop the oil flow to the bearings

Answer: A relief valve limits the maximum oil pressure.


8. _________ serve as a support and enclosure for moving parts.
a) cylinder block
b) cylinder head
c) crank case
d) connecting rod
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Answer: a
Explanation: Because cylinder block is outer body of the engine which encloses all other parts like piston, connecting rod etc.


9. In modern engines cylinder block and crank case forms a single casting because _________
a) reduces space consumption
b) rigid structure
c) wearing properties
d) can withstand high temperature

Answer: b
Explanation: Cylinder block and crank case are made of single casting to make them a rigid structure since they should withstand high temperature and to have good wear properties.


10. _______ are cast in crankcase to give extra strength and to support camshaft bearings.
a) rocker arm
b) oil filter
c) rims
d) manifolds

Answer: c
Explanation: Since rims forms/gives an outer layer for crankcase they are used besides they too have high wear properties.


1. A separate _______ crankcase would result in saving weight also enabling cheaper and quick replacement.
a) nickel
b) chromium
c) iron
d) aluminium

Answer: d
Explanation: Aluminium is of lighter weight and is easily available in the market so which can be replaced easily with comparatively lower price.


2. Which of the following isn’t a cylinder block part?
a) cylinder in which piston slides up and down
b) openings for valves
c) passages for flow of cooling water
d) carburettor

Answer: d
Explanation: Carburettor isn’t a part of cylinder block it is used for mixture of fuel and air and then allowed to the intake port.


3. In some small engines, the cylinder walls are plated with __________ to reduce wall wear and increase the service life.
a) grey cast iron
b) steel sleeves
c) chromium
d) nickel

Answer: c
Explanation: Chromium a very hard metal with high coefficient of thermal expansion so used to reduce wall wear and to promote service life.


4. Which of the following is advantage for aluminium alloy cylinder block over grey cast iron?
a) density
b) machinability
c) co-efficient of thermal expansion
d) thermal conductivity

Answer: a
Explanation: Density of aluminium is one-third of cast iron and it is a light weight material which is advantage over cast iron.


5. By which relation speed of piston can be calculated inside cylinder block?
(L-Length of stoke, D-Diameter, N-speed of engine)
a) 2LDN
b) 2LN
c) 2πLD
d) 2πL

Answer: b
Explanation: Because in cylinder block when piston oscillates up and down it takes twice the length(to and fro) and with speed the engine rotates so it is 2LN.


6. Bubbles of air in radiator is sign of _________ problem.
a) cracked block
b) blown head gasket
c) seized block
d) lack of engine oil

Answer: b
Explanation: Bubbles of air in radiator is sign of blown head gasket which is a rare case occurring in cylinder head for which remedy is replacement of gasket, which requires an elevated platform for lifting engine.


7. Spark plug are mounted inside ________
a) cylinder block
b) cylinder head
c) crank case
d) piston

Answer: b
Explanation: Spark plugs are mounted inside cylinder head because it is consists of combustion chamber and sometimes valves(I and F-head) are also mounted.


8. Which of the following provides passages for flow of cooling water?
a) cylinder block
b) cylinder head
c) crank case
d) piston

Answer: b
Explanation: Since cylinder head only consists of the combustion chamber which in turn connects with the cooling water passages for cooling down of the engine or to prevent the overheating of engine.