1-A tandem master cylinder has

(A) One piston

(B) Two pistons

(C) Three pistons

(D) No piston

2-A transfer case in used

(A) All vehicles

(B) Front wheel drive vehicle

(C) Rear wheel drive vehicle

(D) Four wheel drive vehicle

3-Which of the following has negative temperature co-efficient of resistance?

(A) Carbon

(B) Copper

(C) Aluminium

(D) Iron

4-In the air brake system, the valve which regulates the line air pressure is

(A) Brake valve

(B) Delivery valve

(C) Thermostat valve

(D) Unloader valve

5-“R134a” is:

(A) A brake fluid

(B) A coolant

(C) A lubricant

(D) A refrigerant

6-In a modern automobile gearbox, most of the gears are:

(A) Spur gears

(B) Helical gears

(C) Herringbone gears

(D) Spiral bevel gears

7-The clutch cover is bolted to the:

(A) Pressure plate

(B) Crankcase

(C) Gearbox

(D) Flywheel

8-The facing of the clutch friction plate is made of:

(A) Asbestos

(B) Rubber

(C) Steel

(D) Cast iron

9-The electrolyte used in a lead acid battery is:

(A) Hydrochloric acid

(B) Sulphuric acid

(C) Nitric acid

(D) Lead peroxide

10-Which of the following is not a part of differential assembly?

(A) Crown wheel

(B) Sun gear

(C) Pinion

(D) Universal joint


1-(B), 2-(D), 3-(A), 4-(D), 5-(D), 6-(B), 7-(D), 8-(A), 9-(B), 10-(D)